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215 datasets found
School Locations 2019
Information collected as part of the ongoing registration of schools. School details include name, school sector, school type, address, phone.Department of Education
2017 On Track Year 12 or equivalent completers student level destination data
The On Track Survey is conducted in April-May and involves a short telephone survey of school leavers who attended school in the previous year and who agreed to participate in...Department of Education
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DET Annual Report 2020/21 - Progress Towards Achieving Departmental Objectives
The Department measures progress of children and young people as they move from early childhood into their school years, and then into further education and work through the...Department of Education
Vocational education and training course enrolments by apprenticeships and traineeships
Vocational education and training (VET) course enrolments by industry and occupation shows the relationship between the number of student enrolments into a course by industry...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
All Schools FTE Enrolments - Feb 2021, Victoria
A dataset of enrolments (FTE) of all schools in Victoria, based on collections from the February 2021 schools census, including Government and non-Government Schools (Catholic...Department of Education
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Government schools average class size - Primary classes, February Census, Victoria
A dataset of Government schools average Primary Schools Class Sizes, showing average for Prep to Year 2, Year 3 to Year 6 and overall all classes, from census years 2001 to...Department of Education
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2016 On Track Year 12 or equivalent completers student level destination data
The On Track Survey is conducted in April-May and involves a short telephone survey of school leavers who attended school in the previous year and who agreed to participate in...Department of Education
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All Schools FTE Enrolments - Feb 2022, Victoria
A dataset of enrolments (FTE) of all schools in Victoria, based on collections from the February 2022 schools census, including Government and non-Government Schools (Catholic...Department of Education
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Teaching Services Appeals and Grievances
Details of appeals and grievances including those upheld or partially upheld, conciliated, disallowed, withdrawn, abandoned, no jurisdiction or out of time.Department of Education
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DET Performance against output performance measures
Annual report requirements to report against output performance measures as set out in State Budget Paper No. 3 Service DeliveryDepartment of Education
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DET Public Service Appeals and Grievances
Details of appeals and grievances including those upheld or partially upheld, conciliated, disallowed, withdrawn, abandoned, no jurisdiction or out of time.Department of Education
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2015 On Track Year 12 or equivalent completers student level destination data
The On Track Survey is conducted in April-May and involves a short telephone survey of school leavers who attended school in the previous year and who agreed to participate in...Department of Education
Vocational education and training course enrolments by industry and subindustry
Vocational education and training (VET) course enrolments by industry and occupation shows the relationship between the number of student enrolments into a course by industry...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
Government School Koorie enrolments by LGA
The information is collected and reported from all Government schools in Victoria as part of the August school census. This data is used for funding and national reporting...Department of Education
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Government school student attendance rates by sex, indigenous status and year level, 2015
The data is collected from all Government schools as part of the administration of student absences. Attendance rate is calculated on the number of actual full-time equivalent...Department of Education
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2009 On Track - Individual Year 12 Student Completers
The On Track Survey has been conducted annually since 2003. School leavers who attended school in the previous year and who agreed to participate in the survey are contacted in...Department of Education
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Vocational education and training course enrolments by occupation hierarchy
Vocational education and training (VET) course enrolments by industry and occupation shows the relationship between the number of student enrolments into a course by industry...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
Government school student attendance rates by sex, indigenous status and year level, 2016
The data is collected from all Government schools as part of the administration of student absences. Attendance rate is calculated on the number of actual full-time equivalent...Department of Education
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Schools Apparent Retention Rates, Victoria
A dataset of schools apparent retention rates or ARR, all school sector in Victoria, from census year 2012 to 2023. This dataset is prepared and based on data collected from...Department of Education
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2012 On Track - Individual Year 12 Student Completers
The On Track Survey has been conducted annually since 2003. School leavers who attended school in the previous year and who agreed to participate in the survey are contacted in...Department of Education
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