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DEECD Number of FTE Staff on Pay 2010-2014
Information extracted from the fortnightly payroll of staff receiving pay as at the last payroll at June 2014 or employed as a Casual employee sometime over the last pay period...Department of Education
2018 On Track Year 12 or equivalent completers post school destinations, Victoria
The On Track Survey is conducted in April-May of school leavers who attended school in the previous year and who agreed to participate in the survey. The On Track survey seeks...Department of Education
School Locations 2021
Listing of all school locations in Victoria. Includes primary and secondary schools, government and non-government. Information collected as part of the ongoing registration of...Department of Education
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DEECD Higher Education and Skills - Performance Measures 2013-14
The performance measures cover areas relating to the system design, contracting and monitoring of vocational education and training (VET) services. It also includes the...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
Government subsidised VET enrolments by Victorian regional area
The Victorian Training Market Reports are an on-going series of reports produced by DEECD, with the aim of providing summaries of Victorian Vocational Education and Training...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
Enrolments in VET by Victorian Government and non-Government funding type
The Victorian Training Market Reports are an on-going series of reports produced by DEECD, with the aim of providing summaries of Victorian Vocational Education and Training...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Victorian Govt subsidised VET enrolments - related to specialised or in shortage occupations
The Victorian Training Market Reports are an on-going series of reports produced by DEECD, with the aim of providing summaries of Victorian Vocational Education and Training...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Victorian Government subsidised VET students by age bands
The Victorian Training Market Reports are an on-going series of reports produced by DEECD, with the aim of providing summaries of Victorian Vocational Education and Training...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Victorian VET courses and providers
Vocational Education Training Providers by Training Locations, courses offered at locations, occupations related to courses. Providers - A list of all the Registered Training...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
Vocational education and training course enrolments by industry and occupation
Vocational education and training (VET) course enrolments by industry and occupation shows the relationship between the number of student enrolments into a course by industry...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
Post school destinations of Year 12 or equivalent completers, Victorian schools, 2015
The On Track Survey has been conducted annually since 2003. School leavers who attended school in the previous year and who agreed to participate in the survey are contacted in...Department of Education
All Schools FTE enrolments - Feb 2020
Information collected from the February school census of Victorian schools. For each school, Full Time Equivalent (FTE) enrolments by school type, year level and sex are...Department of Education
Reconciliation of executive officer numbers including Higher Education and Skills
Information extracted from the fortnightly payroll of staff receiving pay as at the last payroll at June 2014. Executive Officers are separately reported into those earning more...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
DEECD FTE staff on pay - June 2013
Information extracted from the fortnightly payroll of staff receiving pay as at the last payroll at June 2013 or employed as a Casual employee sometime over the last pay period...Department of Education
School Locations 2022
Listing of all school locations in Victoria. Includes primary and secondary schools, government and non-government. Information collected as part of the ongoing registration of...Department of Education
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