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DET Comparitive workforce data 2011-2015
Full time equivalent staffing (FTE) trends from 2011 to 2015Department of Education
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DET Contractor expenditure
Data excludes payments to contractors made by government schools and payments to contractors made for capital works in progress.Department of Education
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Government school student attendance rates by sex, indigenous status and year level, 2017
The data is collected from all Government schools as part of the administration of student absences. Attendance rate is calculated on the number of actual full-time equivalent...Department of Education
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DET Government advertising expenditure 2014-2015
Advertising campaigns catergorised into advertising, creative and campaign development, research and evaluation, print and collateral, and otherDepartment of Education
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DET Number of employees trained in merit and equity
Number of members of teaching service and public service staff trained in the principles of merit and equityDTF - Corporate and Government Services
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2011 On Track - Individual Year 12 Student Completers
The On Track Survey has been conducted annually since 2003. School leavers who attended school in the previous year and who agreed to participate in the survey are contacted in...Department of Education
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DET Number of Executive Officers for the Department's portfolio entities
Executive Officer numbers and gender 2013-14 to 2014-15 for DET's portfolio entitiesDepartment of Education
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DET Number of Executive Officers for the Department's portfolio agencies
Executive Officer numbers and gender 2013-14 to 2014-15 for DET's portfolio agenciesDepartment of Education
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DET Annual Report 2014-15 OHS Data
Performance against occupational health and safety and workers' compensation management measures 2014-15. Data sourced from Victorian WorkCover Authority (VWA).Department of Education
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2013 On Track - Individual Year 12 Student Completers
The On Track Survey has been conducted annually since 2003. School leavers who attended school in the previous year and who agreed to participate in the survey are contacted in...Department of Education
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DET Consultancy expenditure
Consultancies engaged by the Department of Education and Training in 2014-15Department of Education
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DET Number of Executive Officers excluding statutory authorities
Breakdown of Executive Officers by Class excluding statutory authorities for the financial year 2014-15Department of Education
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Vocational education and training course enrolments by industry and region
Vocational education and training (VET) course enrolments by industry and occupation shows the relationship between the number of student enrolments into a course by industry...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
Vocational education and training course enrolments by different student characteristics
Vocational education and training (VET) course enrolments by industry and occupation shows the relationship between the number of student enrolments into a course by industry...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
Government schools average class size - Secondary English classes, February Census, Victoria
A dataset of Government schools average Secondary School English Class Size, showing average for Year 12 and overall secondary classes, from census year 2001 to 2023. The size...Department of Education
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DET Objectives - selected Engagement and Wellbeing Indicators from the School Education output 2014-15
Indicator's survey trend data by region and age cohort. Derived from multiple questions. Only students who responded ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’ on all relevant questions are...Department of Education
VCAMS Historical Archive
Outdated Content. Victorian Child and Adolescent Monitoring System (VCAMS) historical archive - Ensuring that children and young people are given high priority across all...Department of Education
Government school student attendance rates by gender, indigenous status and year level, 2020
The data is collected from all Government schools as part of the administration of student absences. Attendance rate is calculated on the number of actual full-time equivalent...Department of Education
DET Annual Report 2021/22 - Government Advertising Expenditure
Information released in the Department of Education and Training's Annual Report 2021-22 on government advertising expenditure: Campaigns with a media spend of $100,000 or...Department of Education
DET Annual Report 2021/22 - Performance Against Output Performance Measures
Information released in the Department of Education and Training's Annual Report 2021-22 on performance against output performance measures: strategy, review and regulation;...Department of Education