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726 datasets found
Operating Statement Aggregates 2017-18
This statement provides historical data for the operating statement aggregates - income from transactions, expenses from transactions and net result from transactionsDTF - Corporate and Government Services
Whole of State Consolidated Comprehensive Operating Statement 2017-18
This Statement contains the whole of State consolidated comprehensive operating statement.DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Quarterly General Government Sector Operating Statement 2016-17
This spreadsheet provides quarterly data for the general government sector Operating Statement.DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Macroeconomic indicators 2018-19
These forecasts have three main purposes: •they provide a framework for presenting the economic context in which the budget is developed; •most of the economic aggregates or...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
DHHS Annual report 2017-18 - Environmental
The Department of Health and Human Services annual report provides a snapshot of the department's performance and achievements for each financial year, containing information on...Department of Health and Human Services
DELWP Sustainability Victoria Workforce 2016
The Sustainability Victoria Workforce comprises of staffing trends, employment levels, executive officers, gender break down and number reconciliation.Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Quarterly General Government Sector Balance Sheet 2016-17
This spreadsheet provides quarterly data for the general government sector Balance Sheet.DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Consolidated Government Purpose Classification Data - General Government Sector 2017-18
This dataset contains general government sector operating expenses, sourced from Australian Bureau of Statistics historical data, classified by government purpose. The...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Land Tax Rates - General from 2009 to 2021
Land tax is an annual tax levied on the owners of land in Victoria. Land Tax Rates - General from 2009 to 2021State Revenue Office
DELWP Objectives, Indicators and Outputs 2016
The Objectives, Indicators and Outputs comprises of an overview of key activity associated with each departmental objective and reports on the delivery of the department’s...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
State Budget 2016-17 - Gambling Taxes
Taxation revenue is revenue received from the State’s taxpayers and includes payroll tax, land tax, duties levied principally on conveyances and land transfers, gambling taxes,...Victorian State Budget
ESSSuper Workforce Data 2014-15
The data contained in this spreadsheet includes a breakdown of ESSSupers workforce in regard to age, VPS level, gender and headcount versus FTE count for 2014-15 and 2013-14.DTF - Corporate and Government Services
DTF Workforce 2012-13 DTF Executives
This spreadsheet provides information on the Deopartment of Treasury and Fiannce workforce for the 2012-13 financial year. It includes data on the headcount and FTE of DTF, as...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
State Budget 2015-16 - Department of Treasury and Finance Output Performance Measures
DTF performance measures cover areas related to funding for a range of services delivered by the department including providing the Government with economic, financial and...Department of Treasury and Finance
State Budget 2016-17 - Whole of State Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
This dataset contains the whole of State consolidated statement of cash flows from 2007-08.Victorian State Budget
State Budget 2016-17 - Insurance Taxes
Taxation revenue is revenue received from the State’s taxpayers and includes payroll tax, land tax, duties levied principally on conveyances and land transfers, gambling taxes,...Victorian State Budget
State Budget 2015-16 - Net Debt
This dataset provides historical data on the net debt of the general government sector. Net debt equals sum of deposits held, advances received, government securities, loans and...Department of Treasury and Finance
VMIA Domestic Building Insurance Web Statistics
Data collected from and used for the measurement, analysis and reporting of for the purposes of understanding of web users online experience and...Victorian Managed Insurance Authority