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Macroeconomic indicators 2016-17
The Department forecasts a number of macroeconomic aggregates for inclusion in the budget papers. These forecasts have three main purposes: - they provide a framework for...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
State Budget 2015-16 Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources Financial Statements
The financial reports for the department assist assessments of forecast financial performance, and its use of the parliamentary authority for resources.Department of Treasury and Finance
Essential Services Commission Workforce data 2016-17
Essential Services Commission Workforce dataDTF - Corporate and Government Services
Fire Services Property Levy - CFA variable Rates - 2013-14
Fire Services Property Levy 2013 rates in CFA areas of Victoria by property typeState Revenue Office
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Victoria Police Annual Report 2018-19 - Workforce Data
This data represents annual data on all Victoria Police's active public service employees employed: (a) in the last full pay period in June of the reporting year. (b) in the...Victoria Police
Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Report 2019 (VGAAR)
An assessment of progress is made by examining data from 2008 (or closest to) until the latest available data at the time of reporting, in 2019. The baseline year is 2008 as...First Peoples State Relations
Motor Vehicle Duty Rates from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023
Motor vehicle duty rates for vehicles transferred from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023State Revenue Office
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Land Tax - General Rates 2022-23
Land tax is an annual tax levied on the owners of land in Victoria. Land Tax Rates - General 2022-23.State Revenue Office
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Land Tax - General Rates with Absentee Owner Surcharge for 2022-23
Land tax general rates with absentee owner surcharge for the 2022 and 2023 calendar years.State Revenue Office
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Land Tax - Trust Surcharge Rates with Absentee Owner Surcharge for 2022-23
Land Tax - Trust Surcharge Rates with Absentee Owner Surcharge for 2022-23State Revenue Office
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Growth Areas Infrastructure Contribution Rates from 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2024
GAIC rates, deferred GAIC interest rate and building works threshold from 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2024State Revenue Office
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Revenue collected - Payroll Tax - from 2000/01
Payroll tax revenue collections by financial year (net of refunds)State Revenue Office
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Revenue collected - Land Transfer Duty - from 2000/01
Land transfer duty revenue collections by financial year (net of refunds)State Revenue Office
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Foreign Purchaser Additional Duty Revenue - from 2015-16
Duties are administered by the State Revenue Office pursuant to the Duties Act 2000 (the Act). The Act creates and charges duties on a number of identified transactions. The Act...State Revenue Office
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Foreign Purchaser Additional Duty Exemptions
Foreign Purchaser Additional Duty Exemptions granted from 1 July 2015State Revenue Office
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Percentage of objections completed by SRO within Key Performance Indicator targets - from 2008/09
Find out what % of objections were completed within targetsState Revenue Office
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Absentee Owner Surcharge Exemptions - from 29 June 2015
The absentee owner surcharge (AOS) is an additional amount payable over the general and trust surcharge rates of land tax. It applies to Victorian land owned by an absentee...State Revenue Office
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Absentee Owner Surcharge Revenue - from 2015-16
The absentee owner surcharge (AOS) is an additional amount payable over the general and trust surcharge rates of land tax. It applies to Victorian land owned by an absentee...State Revenue Office
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First Home Buyer Duty Concession Payments - Melbourne Metropolitan
Number and value of First Home Buyer duty concession payments by financial year in Melbourne Metro areaState Revenue Office
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First Home Buyer Duty Concession Payments - Regional Victoria
Number and value of First Home Buyer duty concession payments by financial year in Regional VictoriaState Revenue Office
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