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Department of Premier and Cabinet - Budget portfolio outcomes 2022-23
Budget portfolio outcomes for the Department of Premier and Cabinet 2022-23Department of Premier and Cabinet
Victoria Police Output Performance Measures 2022-23
This data provides actual results against target measures for Victoria Police's 22 key performance measures under the Policing Services output in the 2022-23 State Budget Paper 3.Victoria Police
Victoria Police Financial Statements 2022-23
This data is representative of the comprehensive operating statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, statement of changes in equity, and accompanying notes and presents...Victoria Police
Victoria Police Workforce Data 2022-23
This data represents annual data on all Victoria Police's active employees employed: (a) in the last full pay period in June of the reporting year. (b) in the last full pay...Victoria Police
Victoria Police Budget Portfolio Outcomes 2022-23
The budget outcome statements provides a comparison between the financial statements and the published budget papers for the financial year ended 30 June 2023. The budget...Victoria Police
DELWP Workforce data 2020-21
This dataset shows the distribution of DELWP's workforce for 2020-21 by demographic variables and classification variables.Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
DELWP Sustainability Victoria Workforce 2020-21
This dataset shows the distribution of Sustainability Victoria's workforce for 2020-21 by demographic variables and classification variables.Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
DELWP Office-based environmental performance 2020-21
This dataset includes information against a range of indicators for energy and water consumption, transportation, waste generation, paper purchasing, green procurement and...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
DELWP Sustainability Fund 2020-21
This dataset provides: • details of the cashflow totals into and out of the Sustainability Fund Trust Account, including a detailed breakdown of payments to programs • details...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
DELWP Occupational Health and Safety Measures 2020-21
This dataset provides data for Occupational Health and Safety Performance Measures, including incidents, WorkCover claims and absenteeism.Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
DELWP Growth Area Infrastructure Contribution 2020-21
This dataset includes information on: • Growth Area Infratructure Contribution (GAIC) rates per hectare of contribution area • Accumulated receipts and expenditure as at 30 June...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
DELWP Financial Statements 2020-21
The DELWP Financial Statements 2020-21 is comprised of: • The balance sheet as at 30 June 2021 • The comprehensive operating statement for the year then ended • The statement of...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
DHHS annual report 2019-20 - Housing assistance additional service delivery
Supplementary data set extracts from the Department of Health and Human Services Annual Report additional data for the 2019-20 financial year.Department of Health
VicForests Annual Report 2020
Financial statement data sets including comprehensive operating statement, balance sheet, statement of changes in equity, cash flow statement and supporting notes.VicForests
VicForests Annual Report 2021
Financial statement data sets including comprehensive operating statement, balance sheet, statement of changes equity, cash flows statement and supporting notes.VicForests
DHHS annual report 2019-20 - Capital projects completed
Supplementary data set extracts from the Department of Health and Human Services Annual Report additional data for the 2019-20 financial year. Capital projects reaching...Department of Health
DHHS annual report 2019-20 - Workforce data and OH&S
Comparative workforce data: Departmental staff, FSV Staff, SCV staff, VAHI staff, Executive Officers, and OH&S. Data set extracts from the Department of Health and Human...Department of Health
DHHS annual report 2019-20 Child protection and family services additional service delivery
Supplementary data set extracts from the Department of Health and Human Services Annual Report additional data for the 2019-20 financial year. Table 1: Daily average number of...Department of Health
DHHS annual report 2019-20 Disability services
Supplementary data set extracts from the Department of Health and Human Services Annual Report additional data for the 2019-20 financial year. Table 1: Number of clients on the...Department of Health
DHHS annual report 2019-20 - Portfolio budget outcomes (BP5)
Administered items statement for the financial year ended 30 June 2020, Statement of changes in equity for the financial year ended 30 June 2020, Cash flow statement for the...Department of Health