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DHHS annual report 2019-20 - Performance reporting
Performance target, actual, and variation for Acute health services, Ageing, Aged and Home Care, Ambulance Services, Drug Services, Mental Health, Primary, Community and Dental...Department of Health
DHHS annual report 2019-20 - Objective indicators
Data set extracts from the Department of Health and Human Services Annual Report for the 2019-20 financial year. Objective 1: Victorians are healthy and well - indicator results...Department of Health
DHHS annual report 2019-20 - Government advertising expenditure
Data set extracts from the Department of Health and Human Services Annual Report for the 2019-20 financial year. Details of government advertising expenditure for 2019–20...Department of Health
DHHS annual report 2019-20 - Financial statement
Comprehensive operating statement for the financial year ended 30 June 2020, Balance sheet as at 30 June 2020, Cash flow statement for the financial year ended 30 June 2020,...Department of Health
DHHS annual report 2019-20 - Budgetory performance
Data set extracts from the Department of Health and Human Services Annual Report for the 2019-20 financial year.Department of Health
DHHS annual report 2019-20 - Consultancies
Data set extracts from the Department of Health and Human Services Annual Report for the 2019-20 financial year. Consultancies (valued at $10,000 or greater), Advertising...Department of Health
DHHS annual report 2019-20 - Environmental performance reporting
Data set extracts from the Department of Health and Human Services Annual Report for the 2019-20 financial year. Greenhouse gas emission, Staff & Building reference data,...Department of Health
State budget 2021-22 Departmental performance measures
The spreadsheets below provide a time series for the output performance measures as published in Budget Paper No. 3 for the years 2021-22, 2020-21, 2019-20, 2018-19, 2017-18,...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Victoria Police Output Performance Measures 2020-21
This data provides actual results against target measures for Victoria Police's 24 key performance measures under the Policing Services output in the 2020-21 State Budget Paper 3.Victoria Police
Land tax by municipality 2018
Land Tax is administered by the State Revenue Office pursuant to the Land Tax Act 2005. Land Tax is calculated using the appropriate rate and applying this to the total taxable...State Revenue Office
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Land tax by municipality 2019
Land Tax is administered by the State Revenue Office pursuant to the Land Tax Act 2005. Land Tax is calculated using the appropriate rate and applying this to the total taxable...State Revenue Office
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State budget 2021-22 Historical financial statements – whole of State
The datasets provide historical information from 2007-08. Wherever possible, adjustments have been made to make the series consistent with AASB 1049 Whole of Government and...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
State Budget 2021-22 State Taxation Revenue
Taxation revenue is revenue received from the State’s taxpayers. State taxation revenue includes: payroll tax; land tax; duties levied principally on conveyances and land...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
First Home Buyer Duty PPR Concession - Top 10 Postcodes by Volume (2018-19)
Duties are administered by the State Revenue Office pursuant to the Duties Act 2000 (the Act). The Act creates and charges duties on a number of identified transactions. The Act...State Revenue Office
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State budget 2021-22 Macroeconomic Indicators
The Department forecasts a number of macroeconomic aggregates for inclusion in the budget papers. These forecasts have three main purposes: they provide a framework for...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
DELWP Annual Report 2019-20 - Feed in tariff
Annual feed-in tariff reporting data provided by Victorian distribution businesses including: • the number of qualifying solar energy generation facilities connected, on the...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
DELWP Annual Report 2019-20 - Office-based environmental performance
This dataset includes information against a range of indicators for energy and water consumption, transportation, waste generation, paper purchasing, green procurement and...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
DELWP Feed in tariff 2020-21
Annual feed-in tariff reporting data provided by Victorian distribution businesses including: • the number of qualifying solar energy generation facilities connected, on the...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
DELWP Annual report 2019-20 - Budget Portfoilo Outcomes
The budget portfolio outcomes provide a comparison between the actual financial statements of all general government-sector entities within the portfolio and the forecast...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
DELWP Budget Portfoilo Outcomes 2020-21
The budget portfolio outcomes provide a comparison between the actual financial statements of all general government-sector entities within the portfolio and the forecast...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action