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Victoria Police Annual Report 2018-19 - Annual Financial Statements
This data is representative of the comprehensive operating statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, statement of changes in equity and accompanying notes and presents...Victoria Police
Cash flow aggregates 2013-14 (General Government)
This spreadsheet provides historical time-series data for the cash aggregates - cash receipts, cash payments and net cash flows - of the general government sector and includes...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
DET 2018-19 Performance against output performance measures
Information released in the Department of Education and Training's Annual Report 2018-19 on DET's performance against output performance measures.Department of Education
DET 2018-19 Progress towards achieving departmental objectives
The Department measures progress of children and young people as they move from early childhood into their school years, and then into further education and work through the...Department of Education
DET 2018-19 Government advertising expenditure
Information released in the Department of Education and Training's Annual Report 2018-19 on 'Government Advertising Expenditure: Campaigns with a media spend of $100,000 or...Department of Education
Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority Annual Report
Annual reports that cover the period of a financial year and are presented to Parliament for approval.Department of Education
DET 2018-19 Budget portfolio outcomes
The budget portfolio outcomes provide a comparison between the actual financial statements of all general government sector entities within the portfolio and the forecast...Department of Education
DET 2018-19 Financial statements
The financial statements relate to the controlled operations of the Department, including government schools, including a 5 year summary.Department of Education
DET 2018-19 Comparative workforce data
Head count and full-time staff equivalent (FTE) of all active public service employees of the Department.Department of Education
Operating statement aggregates 2013-14 (General Government)
This spreadsheet provides historical time-series data for the operating statement aggregates - income from transactions, expenses from transactions and net result from...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Operating Statement Aggregates 2019-20
This statement provides historical data for the operating statement aggregates - income from transactions, expenses from transactions and net result from transactions. Net...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Consolidated Government Data - General Government Sector 2019-20
This data contains general government sector operating expenses, sourced from the Australian Bureau of Statistics historical data and the Department of Treasury and Finance,...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement - General Government Sector 2019-20
The Cash Flow Statement shows the trends in general government sector aggregate cash flows over the period 1986-87 to 2018-19. This table of historical data has been compiled as...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Cash Flow Aggregates 2019-20
This statement provides historical data for the operating statement aggregates - income from transactions, expenses from transactions and net result from transactions. Net...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
State Taxation Revenue - annual 2019-20
State taxation revenue includes: payroll tax; land tax; duties levied principally on conveyances and land transfers; gambling taxes levied mainly on private lotteries,...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Macroeconomic indicators 2019-20
These forecasts have three main purposes: •they provide a framework for presenting the economic context in which the budget is developed; •most of the economic aggregates or...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Consolidated Comprehensive Operating Statement- General Government Sector 2019-20
This statement contains the general government sector net operating result from 1996-97 presented in A-IFRS format which was first introduced for the 2005-06 budget, including...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
DET 2019-20 Occupational Health and Safety and Workers Compensation
Information released in the Department of Education and Training's Annual Report 2019-20 on performance against occupational health and safety and workers' compensation...Department of Education
Victoria Police Annual Report 2016-17 - Contractors
Contractors engaged by Victoria Police during the 2016-17 financial yearVictoria Police
Cenitex Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) annual report 2017-18
Performance against occupational health and safety and workers' compensation management measures including incidents and claims 2017-18Cenitex