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330 datasets found
DataVic CKAN API Version 1.2.0
The Victorian Government's open data portal, DataVic, uses CKAN to surface thousands of datasets and metadata records from across the Victorian Government. This API is based on...Department of Government Services
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing Annual report datasets - 2022-23
The annual report provides insights into our key outcomes and achievements over the past year. These datasets are extracts of the tables found in the Department of Families...Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
DEECD FTE staff on pay - June 2012
Information extracted from the fortnightly payroll of staff receiving pay as at the last payroll at June 2012 or employed as a Casual employee sometime over the last pay period...Department of Education
DEECD Number of FTE Staff on Pay 2010-2014
Information extracted from the fortnightly payroll of staff receiving pay as at the last payroll at June 2014 or employed as a Casual employee sometime over the last pay period...Department of Education
DTF Financed Fleet - VicFleet fleet profile by category, type, cylinders, fuel
This spreadsheet provides information on the VicFleet vehicle profile, based on category, type of vehicle, number of cylinders and fuel. This covers vehicles used for both...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
PROV Records Issued (through the Reading Room to the public)
Public Record Office Victoria is the archives of the State Government of Victoria. We hold approximately 100kms of records from the mid 1830s to today, which we manage for use...Public Records Office Victoria
Records transferred to PROV custody
Public Record Office Victoria is the archives of the State Government of Victoria. The Collection includes memories of events and decisions great and small that have shaped the...Public Records Office Victoria
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PROV Victorian Government Agencies and Collections metadata
Public Record Office Victoria has compiled a short administrative history for every government agency whose records we hold, as well as a history of every recordkeeping 'series'...Public Records Office Victoria
Victoria Police Workforce Data 2020-21
This data represents annual data on all Victoria Police's active employees employed: (a) in the last full pay period in June of the reporting year. (b) in the last full pay...Victoria Police
DELWP Feed-in tariff data 2018/19
The Electricity Industry Act 2000 requires Victorian electricity retailers with more than 5,000 customers (relevant retailers) to provide a quarterly report on the general feed-...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
DEWLP Office-based environmental performance 2018/19
DELWP’s Environment Management System (EMS) was set up to meet government requirements under Financial Reporting Directive 24D (FRD24D). It enables the department to monitor...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
DELWP Annual financial statements 2018/19
The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) has presented its audited general purpose financial statements for the financial year ended 30 June 2019 in the...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
DEWLP Sustainability Fund 2018/19
The Sustainability Fund is established under section 70F of the Environment Protection Act 1970 and receives money collected from MILL. After funds are distributed by the...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
DEWLP Compliance with the Planning and Environment Act 1987 2018/19
The Growth Areas Infrastructure Contribution (GAIC) was introduced under Part 9B of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (the Act) in 2010, to respond to the challenges facing...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
DEWLP Occupational Health and Safety 2018/19
Data relating to DELWP's Occupational Healthy and Safety performance and associated management measures.Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Goulburn-Murray Water 2018/19 Annual Report - Financials
In accordance with the Financial Management Act 1994, Goulburn-Murray Water presents its Financial Report as part of the Annual Report for the 2018/19 financial year. The...Goulburn Murray Water
Auditor-General’s Results of 2017–18 Audits: Local Government
The raw data supports our interactive visualisation tool dashboard which summarises the financial statement data for Victoria’s 79 councils for the 2016-17 and 2017-18 financial...Victorian Auditor General's Office
Goulburn-Murray Water 2018/19 Annual Report - Report of Operations
In accordance with the Financial Management Act 1994, Goulburn-Murray Water presents its Annual Report for the 2018/19 financial year. The Annual Report provides a review of the...Goulburn Murray Water
DEWLP Sustainability Victoria Workforce 2018/19
Data includes comparisons of workforce size between 2019 and 2018, number of executive officers and any necessary reconciliation of figures.Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
DeveloperVic Catalogue API
The DeveloperVic Catalogue API provides the list of all publicly accessible Victorian Government APIs published on the Developer.Vic portal.Department of Premier and Cabinet