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330 datasets found
State Capital Program Budget Paper No.4 2013-14 - Melbourne Water Corporation
This dataset provides information about capital programs and projects currently underway, those where work will commence in 2013-14 and a list of those expected to be completed...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Department of State Development Business and Innovation output performance measures 2014-15
This data provides a time series for the output performance measures as published in Budget Paper No. 3 for the years 2014-15, 2013-14, 2012-13, 2011-12, 2010-11 and 2009-10....DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Department of Justice output performance measures 2014-15
This data provides a time series for the output performance measures as published in Budget Paper No. 3 for the years 2014-15, 2013-14, 2012-13, 2011-12, 2010-11 and 2009-10....DTF - Corporate and Government Services
State Capital Program Budget Paper No.4 2013-14 - Western Region Water Corporation
This dataset provides information about capital programs and projects currently underway, those where work will commence in 2013-14 and a list of those expected to be completed...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
State Capital Program Budget Paper No.4 2013-14 - Department of Human Services
This dataset provides information about capital programs and projects currently underway, those where work will commence in 2013-14 and a list of those expected to be completed...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development financial statements 2013-14
The financial reports for the Department assist assessments of forecast financial performance, and its use of the parliamentary authority for resources.The tables in the...Department of Education
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity - General Government Sector 2014-15
This Statement contains the general government statement of changes in equity series from 30 June 2010. This table of current data presents reconciliations of each non-owner and...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
State Capital Program Budget Paper No.4 2013-14 - City West Water
This dataset provides information about capital programs and projects currently underway, those where work will commence in 2013-14 and a list of those expected to be completed...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Taxation Revenue - Annual 2013-14
The State’s taxation revenue is forecast by a process that involves: application of the Department of Treasury and Finance’s economic forecasts, where there is a relationship...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Department of Human Services output performance measures 2013-14
The Department of Human Services supports Victorians in need to build better lives and achieve their potential.The Department does this by providing housing and community...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Consolidated balance sheet 2013-14
The attached contains the general government sector balance sheet from 30 June 2005.DTF - Corporate and Government Services
State Capital Program Budget Paper No.4 2013-14 - DSDBI
This dataset provides information about capital programs and projects currently underway, those where work will commence in 2013-14 and a list of those expected to be completed...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
State Capital Program Budget Paper No.4 2013-14 - Central Gippsland Region Water Corporation
This dataset provides information about capital programs and projects currently underway, those where work will commence in 2013-14 and a list of those expected to be completed...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Department of Environment and Primary Industries financial statements 2013-14
The financial reports for the Department assist assessments of forecast financial performance, and its use of the parliamentary authority for resources.The tables in the...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Dept. of Treasury and Finance Website Visitor Information - Quarterly
The Department of Treasury and Finance collects usage information of the website using Google Analytics. Google Analytics anonymously tracks how our visitors...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Public Records Office Victoria Workforce
Key employee data compared across the last 2 years.Public Records Office Victoria
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CenITex Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) annual report 2015-16
Performance against occupational health and safety and workers' compensation management measures including incidents and claims 2015-16Cenitex
The Victorian Regulatory System 2007
This dataset provides detailed information on Victorian business regulators including legislative framework, governance arrangements and core operational dataDTF - Corporate and Government Services
DTF - Shareholder and Advisory Services - Property and Fleet - Vic Fleet Data 2013
This dataset provides information about the vehicle fleet managed by Victoria according to use, class, origin, fuel type, make and number of cylindersDTF - Corporate and Government Services
Consolidated comprehensive operating statement 2013-14
This statement contains the general government sector net operating result from 1996-97 presented in A-IFRS format which was first introduced for the 2005-06 budget, including...DTF - Corporate and Government Services