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330 datasets found
Parliament output performance measures 2013-14
The Parliament of Victoria is an independent body that, through its elected representatives, is accountable to the Victorian community for the provision and conduct of...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
MFB Annual Report supporting data for incident charts
Data includes 1) Calls Attended by year, 2) calls attended by type in the Metropolitan District, 3) Calls attended by LGA, 4) Containment of Structure Fires, 5) Emergency...Department of Justice and Community Safety
State Capital Program Budget Paper No.4 2013-14 - Victorian Rail Track (Victrack)
This dataset provides information about capital programs and projects currently underway, those where work will commence in 2013-14 and a list of those expected to be completed...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Department of Environment and Primary Industries financial statements 2014-15
The financial reports for the department assist assessments of forecast financial performance, and its use of the parliamentary authority for resources.DTF - Corporate and Government Services
State Capital Program Budget Paper No.4 2013-14 - Other public non-financial corporations
This dataset provides information about capital programs and projects currently underway, those where work will commence in 2013-14 and a list of those expected to be completed...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Employment Growth 2014-15
The Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) monitors economic conditions in the Victorian economy and prepares forecasts of the main economic indicators of those conditions...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Whole of State Consolidated Comprehensive Operating Statement 2014-15
This Statement contains the whole of State consolidated comprehensive operating statement from 2007-08.DTF - Corporate and Government Services
State Capital Program Budget Paper No.4 2013-14 - Country Fire Authority
This dataset provides information about capital programs and projects currently underway, those where work will commence in 2013-14 and a list of those expected to be completed...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Parliament output performance measures 2014-15
This data provides a time series for the output performance measures as published in Budget Paper No. 3 for the years 2014-15, 2013-14, 2012-13, 2011-12, 2010-11 and 2009-10....DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Whole of State Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 2014-15
This dataset contains the whole of State consolidated statement of cash flows from 2007-08.DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Department of Human Services financial statements 2014-15
The financial reports for the department assist assessments of forecast financial performance, and its use of the parliamentary authority for resources.DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Historical Yearly Gaming Expenditure (1992-2000)
This data set provides information relating to the various LGAs throughout Victoria, primarily region classification, total gaming expenditure, and the number of EGMs and gaming...Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission
Motor Vehicle Duty Rates - from 01/07/11 to 30/06/12
Motor Vehicle Duty Rates - from 01/07/11 to 30/06/12State Revenue Office
Customer satisfaction with CenITex customer support services
Customer satisfaction rating based on a monthly online survey of users of CenITex user support services - IT Service Centre and Level 2 and 3 support teams in Service Operations.Cenitex
Department of Premier and Cabinet Annual Report 2014-15 - OH&S data
Department of premier and Cabinet OH&S Management measures and performance against OH&S KPIs including incidents and claimsDepartment of Premier and Cabinet
Net financial liabilities 2013-14
Net financial liabilities are the total liabilities less financial assets, other than equity in public non-financial corporations and public financial corporations. This measure...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Cash flow aggregates 2013-14
This spreadsheet provides historical data for the cash aggregates - cash receipts, cash payments and net cash flows. This information has been extracted from the Cash Flow...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Macroeconomic Indicators 2013-14
DTF forecasts a number of macroeconomic aggregates for inclusion in the budget papers. These forecasts have three main purposes: they provide a framework for presenting the...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
State Capital Program Budget Paper No.4 2013-14 - East Gippsland Region Water Corporation
This dataset provides information about capital programs and projects currently underway, those where work will commence in 2013-14 and a list of those expected to be completed...DTF - Corporate and Government Services