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330 datasets found
Dept of Justice Annual Report 2011/12 - Vehicle fleet performance by fuel type
Fleet data is sourced from vehicle logbooks and fuel purchase records (both fuel cards and petty cash records) (approved fleet growth is not included). The data includes a...Department of Justice and Community Safety
Whole of State Consolidated Balance Sheet 2014-15
This dataset contains the whole of State consolidated balance sheet from 30 June 2008.DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Register of Geographic Place Names (VICNAMES)
VICNAMES holds over 45,000 place names and over 200,000 road names such as mountains, rivers, transport infrastructure, parks, reserves, forests, bounded localities, roads,...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
State Capital Program Budget Paper No.4 2013-14 - Department of Justice
This dataset provides information about capital programs and projects currently underway, those where work will commence in 2013-14 and a list of those expected to be completed...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
State Capital Program Budget Paper No.4 2013-14 - Director of Housing
This dataset provides information about capital programs and projects currently underway, those where work will commence in 2013-14 and a list of those expected to be completed...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
DEECA Annual Report 2022-23
The annual report provides a snapshot of the department's performance and achievements for each financial year, containing information on the report of operations, the audited...DEECA Strategy and Performance
State Capital Program Budget Paper No.4 2013-14 - Barwon Region Water Corporation
This dataset provides information about capital programs and projects currently underway, those where work will commence in 2013-14 and a list of those expected to be completed...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Properties managed (owned or leased) by Victorian Government Shared Services Provider
This spreadsheet describes the number and size of office space managed by the Victorian government Shared Services Provider. Information is divided by region. Includes car bays.DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Department of Human Services financial statements 2013-14
The financial reports for the Department assist assessments of forecast financial performance, and its use of the parliamentary authority for resources.The tables in the...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Department of Transport Planning and Local Infrastructure output performance measures 2013-14
The Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure’s goal is to integrate urban and transport planning with local infrastructure provision to deliver better outcomes...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development output performance measures 2014-15
This data provides a time series for the output performance measures as published in Budget Paper No. 3 for the years 2014-15, 2013-14, 2012-13, 2011-12, 2010-11 and 2009-10....DTF - Corporate and Government Services
CenITex Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) annual report 2016-17
Performance against occupational health and safety and workers' compensation management measures including incidents and claims 2015-16Cenitex
State Capital Program Budget Paper No.4 2013-14 - Places Victoria
This dataset provides information about capital programs and projects currently underway, those where work will commence in 2013-14 and a list of those expected to be completed...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Taxation Revenue - Quarterly 2013-14
This enables an assessment of economic and other factors influencing the tax bases from which taxes are sourced e.g. for payroll tax, an assessment of the outlook for...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
First Home Owners Grant Statistical Data Tool
The State Revenue Office (SRO) is now publishing a range of First Home Owner Grant statistics. Find out how many Grants, Bonuses and Boost payments have been received in each...State Revenue Office
Dept of Justice Annual Report 2011/12 - Disclosure of grants and transfer payments
Disclosure of grants and transfer payments (other than contributions by owner)Department of Justice and Community Safety
State Capital Program Budget Paper No.4 2013-14 - Parliament
This dataset provides information about capital programs and projects currently underway, those where work will commence in 2013-14 and a list of those expected to be completed...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Other Taxes (Fire Services Property Levy) 2014-15
Taxation revenue is revenue received from the State’s taxpayers and includes payroll tax, land tax, duties levied principally on conveyances and land transfers, gambling taxes,...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Consolidated cash flow statement 2013-14
This statement contains the trends in general government sector aggregate cash flows from 1986-87. This table of historical and current data has been compiled as far as possible...DTF - Corporate and Government Services