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1,333 datasets found
Groundwater-Surface Water Interaction
The Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric Surface Hydrology Catchments dataset was used as the base layer for considering surface water as an asset. This dataset provided...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Vicmap Reference - Vicmap Lite Australian State Table
Part of VMREFTAB, the set of Reference Tables for the VICMAP suite of products.Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
This dataset relates to the Victorian Aquifer Framework (VAF) 3D Surface for the Upper Tertiary Aquifer (Fluvial). It represents the mapped extent of the aquifer. Please refer...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Sydenham Inlet Seagrass 1999
This layer contains polygons defining the spatial extent, species distribution and density of seagrass meadows within Sydenham Inlet mapped from 1999 aerial photography and...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
Coastal Wave Model Statistics
Coastal Wave Model Statistics dataset is a high-resolution third-generation wave model based on unstructured grids. WAVEWATCH III was used to investigate the wave climate of...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Vicmap Index - Framework Line
This layer represents linework for the state boundary, zero contour, coastline and the data extent for Vicmap Elevation & Vicmap Features, Vicmap Hydro, Vicmap Transport.Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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2016 Bellarine Peninsula 1% AEP Coastal Inundation Dynamic Model with 0m Sea Level Rise
The Bellarine-Corio Bay Local Coastal Hazard Assessment (LCHA) provides information on the extent of coastal hazards and their physical impacts for the Bellarine-Corio Bay...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
2010 Index of Stream Condition - Large Trees polygon features
The ISC2010_LARGE_TREES polygon features represent trees that exceed a predefined height and crown area criteria. These criteria can vary depending on the Ecological Vegetation...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Vicmap Reference - Metadata Shapefile Column Mapping Table
Part of VMREFTAB, the set of Reference Tables for the Victorian Spatial Data Libary (VSDL) suite of products. The MD_COLUMN_NAME_MAPPING table maps VSDL object column names that...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
This dataset relates to the Victorian Aquifer Framework (VAF) 3D Surface for the Upper Tertiary Basalt Aquifer. It represents the mapped extent of the aquifer. Please refer to...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Vicmap Reference - Hydrography Usage Table
Part of VMREFTAB, the set of Reference Tables for the VICMAP suite of products.Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Geophysical metamorphism (1:100,000), Geophysical Interpretation of Contact and Regional Metamorphism
This dataset displays areas of contact and regional metamorphism, and the style of metamorphism, mapped using using combined interpretations of airborne magnetic, radiometric...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
Vicmap Reference - Remote Sensing Source Type Table
Part of VMREFTAB, the set of Reference Tables for the VICMAP suite of products. VMREFTAB_REFERENCE_TABLE a defintitve list of Reference Tables belonging to Vicmap Reftab.Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Port Phillip Bay Coastal Hazard Assessment - Inundation Extent - 1.1m Sea Level Rise (1% AEP)
The Port Phillip Bay Coastal Hazard Assessment (the product) is a digital dataset consisting of multiple spatial layer outputs from modelled erosion, inundation and groundwater... -
Principal Freight Network 2021 Road, Rail and Places
The Principal Freight Network (PFN) is a strategic network of current and recognised future freight places and connecting movement corridors (road and rail) which are...Department of Transport and Planning
Vicmap Elevation - Ground Type Point
This layer is part of Vicmap Elevation 10-20 Contours & Relief, a subset of Vicmap Elevation. It contains point features delineating ground type points. Includes: Mountain,...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Urban Development Program - Industrial Land 2016
This data is now obsolete, current UDP data is available. Identifies all industrial land and the development status and size of each land parcel in hectare across metropolitan...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Urban Development Program - Proposed Industrial Areas 2016
This data is now obsolete, current UDP data is available. Land identified as future industrial areas. Used in conjunction with Industrial land dataset.Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Victorian Land Use Information System 2008/2009
The Victorian Land Use Information System (VLUIS) dataset has been created by the Spatial Information Sciences Group of the Agriculture Research Division in the Department of...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
Vicmap Elevation - Relief Polygon Fuzzy
This table will hold polygons depicting indicative extents of the area of the relief feature. Each of these features has some type of non specific but best derived boundary....Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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