Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 3 January 2015
Metadata last updated 1 August 2024
Created 3 January 2015
Format XLSX
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Data qualityData Quality Statement - Dataset – Annual Victoria SES Key Course Training Numbers Institutional Environment: Data collector(s): Victoria State Emergency Service Collection authority: Business reasons Data compiler(s): Victoria State Emergency Service Additional information: N/A Relevance: Data topic: "This dataset details the number of Victoria State Emergency Service (Victoria SES) members who have completed training in any of the seven key courses provided by Victoria SES including: General Rescue Training, Road Rescue Training, Introduction to AIIMS Training, AIIMS Crew Leader Training, AIIMS Sector Division Command Training, Storm and Water Training and Health and Safety Training. These courses are run in any of the six Victoria SES regions as well as centrally. Cancelled and unit delivered courses are not included. These numbers are arranged per financial year." Level of geography: This dataset includes data that covers the entire state of Victoria Key data items: Course, year Numerator / denominator source: N/A Additional information: N/A Timeliness: Data collected: Annually Data available: Annually Reference period: The period referred to in this dataset is from 1 July 2011 to the 30 June 2014. Additional information: N/A Accuracy: Method of collection: The data is manually entered into Victoria SES’ OIMS TRAIN (training) database by regional and head office staff. Data adjustments: N/A Sample size: N/A Collection size: 8 data units Standard errors: N/A Under counts: Training staff update attendance details as soon as possible, but in some circumstances there can be a delay which may account for an under count. Over counts: N/A Additional information: N/A Coherence: Consistency over time: Consistent over prescribed period. Consistency of jurisdictions: Jurisdictions relating to this dataset have remained consistent since data began being collected. Numerator / denominator: N/A There is a consistent time series for this data: There is a consistent time series for this data. There is not a consistent time series for this data: N/A Additional information: N/A Interpretability: Context: AIIMS refers to the Australasian Inter-Service Incident Management System. This is a nationally recognised system of incident management for the nation’s emergency service agencies Other supporting information: N/A Additional information: N/A Accessibility: Unpublished data can be requested: No No further data is available: N/A Contact details: "Victoria State Emergency Service 168 Sturt Street, Southbank, VIC, 3006 Telephone: “(03) 9256 9000" Additional information: N/A
Datastore activeFalse
Datastore contains all records of source fileFalse
Has viewsFalse
Package idb4d59a59-d558-461e-ac7f-43a3e64c03ee
Period end2018-06-30
Period start2011-07-01
Release date2018-07-01
Resource group id4b684c41-4078-4d64-b77f-c9b2875b389d
Webstore last updatedNone
Webstore urlNone
Release Date 1 July 2018
Temporal Coverage Start 1 July 2011
Temporal Coverage End 30 June 2018
Data Quality Statement

Data Quality Statement - Dataset – Annual Victoria SES Key Course Training Numbers
Institutional Environment: Data collector(s): Victoria State Emergency Service Collection authority: Business reasons Data compiler(s): Victoria State Emergency Service Additional information: N/A Relevance: Data topic: "This dataset details the number of Victoria State Emergency Service (Victoria SES) members who have completed training in any of the seven key courses provided by Victoria SES including: General Rescue Training, Road Rescue Training, Introduction to AIIMS Training, AIIMS Crew Leader Training, AIIMS Sector Division Command Training, Storm and Water Training and Health and Safety Training. These courses are run in any of the six Victoria SES regions as well as centrally. Cancelled and unit delivered courses are not included. These numbers are arranged per financial year." Level of geography: This dataset includes data that covers the entire state of Victoria Key data items: Course, year Numerator / denominator source: N/A Additional information: N/A Timeliness: Data collected: Annually Data available: Annually Reference period: The period referred to in this dataset is from 1 July 2011 to the 30 June 2014. Additional information: N/A Accuracy: Method of collection: The data is manually entered into Victoria SES’ OIMS TRAIN (training) database by regional and head office staff. Data adjustments: N/A Sample size: N/A Collection size: 8 data units Standard errors: N/A Under counts: Training staff update attendance details as soon as possible, but in some circumstances there can be a delay which may account for an under count. Over counts: N/A Additional information: N/A Coherence: Consistency over time: Consistent over prescribed period. Consistency of jurisdictions: Jurisdictions relating to this dataset have remained consistent since data began being collected. Numerator / denominator: N/A There is a consistent time series for this data: There is a consistent time series for this data. There is not a consistent time series for this data: N/A Additional information: N/A Interpretability: Context: AIIMS refers to the Australasian Inter-Service Incident Management System. This is a nationally recognised system of incident management for the nation’s emergency service agencies Other supporting information: N/A Additional information: N/A Accessibility: Unpublished data can be requested: No No further data is available: N/A Contact details: "Victoria State Emergency Service 168 Sturt Street, Southbank, VIC, 3006 Telephone: “(03) 9256 9000" Additional information: N/A

Attribution Statement