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Greater Geelong 2012 Local Government Area Profiles
The Local Government Area profiles are produced annually, from data provided by a range of sources. The profiles currently include around 140 indicators relating to population,...Department of Health and Human Services
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (Non Financial Public Sector)
This spreadsheet provides historical data for the consolidated cash flow statement and shows the trends in the non-financial public sector (NFPS) aggregate cash flows commencing...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Transitioning from Out-of-home care: Support for Aboriginal young people
The dataset details the types of services that could be delivered as part the Transitioning from out of home care: support for aboriginal young peopleof the initiative, which...Department of Health and Human Services
Ambulance Victoria Adult Retrievals 2011-19
A retrieval is a coordinated inter-hospital transfer of a patient, who has a critical care or time critical healthcare need, which is unable to be met at the original health...Ambulance Victoria
Towns in Time - Tarnagulla
Towns in Time is a compilation of time series data for Victoria's towns covering the years 1981 to 2011. The data is based on Census data collected by the Australian Bureau of...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
CFA Call Summary Reports
Where CFA is contacted by ESTA to respond to an incident, a report is generated in FIRS. Data available in FIRS include type of incident (e.g. bushfire/grassfire, road rescue,...Country Fire Authority
Towns in Time - Lake Boga
Towns in Time is a compilation of time series data for Victoria's towns covering the years 1981 to 2011. The data is based on Census data collected by the Australian Bureau of...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Towns in Time - Tooradin
Towns in Time is a compilation of time series data for Victoria's towns covering the years 1981 to 2011. The data is based on Census data collected by the Australian Bureau of...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Congestion Levy Rates - 2015
The Congestion Levy is administered by the State Revenue Office pursuant to the Congestion Levy Act 2005 (the Act). The Act came into operation on 1 January 2006 and its purpose...State Revenue Office
State Budget 2016-17 - Level of Nominal Gross State Product
The Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) monitors economic conditions in the Victorian economy and prepares forecasts of the main economic indicators of those conditions...Victorian State Budget
Towns in Time - Cobram
Towns in Time is a compilation of time series data for Victoria's towns covering the years 1981 to 2011. The data is based on Census data collected by the Australian Bureau of...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Total Tax Revenue 2014-15
Taxation revenue is revenue received from the State’s taxpayers and includes payroll tax, land tax, duties levied principally on conveyances and land transfers, gambling taxes,...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Annual Victoria SES Incident Responses per Region
A categorised annual count of incident responses performed by the various regions of Victoria SES. These categories detail the type of response required of Victoria SES, whether...Victoria State Emergency Services
State Budget 2016-17 - Unemployment Rate
The Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) monitors economic conditions in the Victorian economy and prepares forecasts of the main economic indicators of those conditions...Victorian State Budget
Victoria SES Road Rescue Incidents Attended per Region by Month
Road rescue incident responses attended by Victoria SES regions on a monthly basis for the financial yearVictoria State Emergency Services
Whittlesea 2012 Local Government Area Profiles
The Local Government Area profiles are produced annually, from data provided by a range of sources. The profiles currently include around 140 indicators relating to population,...Department of Health and Human Services
Towns in Time - Darnum
Towns in Time is a compilation of time series data for Victoria's towns covering the years 1981 to 2011. The data is based on Census data collected by the Australian Bureau of...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Towns in Time - Hopetoun
Towns in Time is a compilation of time series data for Victoria's towns covering the years 1981 to 2011. The data is based on Census data collected by the Australian Bureau of...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity - General Government Sector 2018-19
This dataset contains statement of changes in equity for the general government sector. The statement presents reconciliations of non-owner and owner changes in equity from...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development output performance measures 2013-14
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development’s mission is to ensure a high quality and coherent birth through adulthood learning and development system to build...DTF - Corporate and Government Services