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Quarterly Driver Licence Transfers to Victoria
This data contains the count of drivers licences transferred to Victoria on a quarterly basis.Department of Transport and Planning
Transport Pictograms
Transport Pictograms assist passengers to distinguish transport modes. While the colour reinforces the transport mode, the pictograms don't rely on colour to communicate the...Department of Transport and Planning
Whole Fleet Vehicle Registration Snapshot by Postcode
This dataset contains the count of all vehicles registered in Victoria within a given quarter. The information is aggregated by Vehicle Make, Postcode. Fuel Type, Vehicle Class,...Department of Transport and Planning
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Public Transport Lines and Stops
Location of public transport lines and stops per mode in VictoriaDepartment of Transport and Planning
Bicycle Volume and Speed
This dataset contains counts of cycling flows recorded at 42 off-road counter sites and 4 on-road counter sites. The information contains detailed dates and times, speeds and...Department of Transport and Planning
Unplanned Disruptions - Road
This API contains details of unplanned disruptions in near real-time on roads managed by the Victorian Department of Transport and Planning as well as roads managed by local...Department of Transport and Planning
GTFS Realtime
GTFS Realtime feeds have been provided by the Victoria Department of Transport and Planning to provide realtime updates about Public Transport services. It contains feeds about:...Department of Transport and Planning
Freeway Travel Time
Freeway Travel Time contains the spatial location, travel times and traffic conditions collected from road-side sensors for freeways throughout Melbourne. The data includes...Department of Transport and Planning
Speed Signs
Speed Signs is a spatial dataset (point) that shows the location of every speed sign across Victoria. The data includes attributes such as Road Name, Sign Size, Type, Speed...Department of Transport and Planning
Public Transport a collection of PTV datasets
PTV Routes and Stops have been removed from this collection. Routes and stops are now available from DTP Open Data Portal. This package of...Department of Transport and Planning
Vocational education and training course enrolments by training package
Vocational education and training (VET) course enrolments by training package and year. We use the ABS occupation classifications, known as the Australian and New Zealand...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
Victoria Police Annual Report 2018-19 - Workforce Data
This data represents annual data on all Victoria Police's active public service employees employed: (a) in the last full pay period in June of the reporting year. (b) in the...Victoria Police
Vicmap Land Administration Themes - Parish Polygon
Part of the Vicmap VLAt dataset series. This layer contains polygon features delineating parish boundaries as defined by CLM, Dept. of Sustainability & Environment. This...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Vicmap Admin - Parish Polygon
Part of the Vicmap Admin dataset series. This layer contains polygon features delineating parish boundaries as defined by CLM, Dept. of Sustainability & Environment.Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Vocational education and training course enrolments by region and student age
Vocational education and training (VET) course enrolments by industry and occupation shows the relationship between the number of student enrolments into a course by industry...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
VicRoads Declared Roads
Declared roads are classified under the Road Management Act 2004 as Freeways, Arterial Roads and Non-Arterial State Roads. About 15% of Victorian roads are declared roads and...Department of Transport and Planning
Miscellaneous - Earth Resources Spatial Data Collection for the Datamart.
Geological Basins. Collected for Earth Resources within DSDBIDepartment of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
GSV Published Maps Indexes
Map polygons are attributed with information about the published maps of the Geological Survey of Victoria. The following geological map index scales are up-to-date 1:250,000,...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Registered Births, Deaths and Marriages by calendar year
Figures represent the total number of events (births, deaths and marriages) registered in Victoria for that calendar year. Events are counted in the month and year they are...Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages Victoria
Vicmap Hydro - Water Poygon Fuzzy
This table will hold polygons depicting indicative extents of the area of the hydro feature. Each of these features has some type of non specific but best derived boundary....Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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