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2010 Index of Stream Condition - Bank Full Width 100m Section Summary Table
The ISC_BANKFULL_WIDTH_S table is the Statistical Summary table for the Bankfull Width metric at the 100m Section level. River condition in Victoria is assessed every 5 years...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Vicmap Hydro - Navigation Line
This layer is part of Vicmap Hydro and contains line features delineating hydro/navigation features. Includes; Reefs & Ledges.Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Victorian Biodiversity Atlas flora - 10 minute grid summary
This layer summarises VBA flora records against a standard grid of 10 degrees longitude/latitude (GDA94). Any VBA taxa record with its centre in a cell is counted as a record...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Victorian Bioregions - Mapped at 1:100,000 (version 3.0 - May2004)
This dataset delineates Victorian biogeographic regions (Victorian bioregions) that capture the patterns of ecological characteristics in the landscape, providing a natural...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Vicmap Reference - Transport Road Restrictions Table
Part of VMREFTAB, the set of Reference Tables for the VICMAP suite of products.Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Victorian Coal Sub Crop Regions
Details the location and attributes of coal subcrops in Victoria. Spatial accuracy defined as attribute "Loc_Acc" Data is from the "Victorian Coal - A 2006 Inventory of...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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2010 Index of Stream Condition - Large Trees Reach Summary Table
The ISC2010_LARGE_TREES_R table is the Statistical Summary table for the Large Trees Metric at the Reach level. The ISC2010_LARGE_TREES_R table is designed to JOIN to the...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Vicmap Reference - Infrastructure Dump Utility Function Table
Part of VMREFTAB, the set of Reference Tables for the VICMAP suite of products.Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Port Phillip Bay Coastal Hazard Assessment - Erosion Extent - 2100 - 1.1m Sea Level Rise (1% AEP)
The Port Phillip Bay Coastal Hazard Assessment (the product) is a digital dataset consisting of multiple spatial layer outputs from modelled erosion, inundation and groundwater... -
Steer Clear areas in Port Phillip
This polyline dataset represents the areas for recreational boats to Steer Clear of shipping in Port Phillip. Port Phillip Bay is a popular place for boating, fishing, yachting...Victorian Ports Corporation
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Forest Management Boundaries
Polygons delineating Forest Management Blocks. The layer also contains aggregations of forest management blocks representing other administrative boundaries such as Forest...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Interpreted Lava Flows (1:500,000), Geological Interpretation of Geophysical Features Polygon
This dataset contains Lava flows that have been interpreted either from intersections in drill holes or from magnetic responses. The dataset is accompanied by other datasets...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
Vicmap Reference - Transport Road Use Table
Part of VMREFTAB, the set of Reference Tables for the VICMAP suite of products.Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Salvage and Translocation Protocol for the Biodiversity Conservation Strategy
The Biodiversity Conservation Strategy for Melbourne's Growth Corridors (BCS) prepared as part of the Melbourne Strategic Assessment specifies that salvage and/or translocation...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Coal Cross Section Lines
Coal Cross Section Lines. The lines are an index to cross sectional diagrams relating to coal.Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Vicmap Admin - Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) Region Polygon
Part of the Vicmap Admin dataset series. This layer contains polygon features delineating the current Fire Rescue Victoria Region Boundaries. Polygon features demonstrating...Fire Rescue Victoria
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Melbourne Water Corporation
This data contains the spatial boundaries for Melbourne Water's area of responsibility for drainage and waterway assets.Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Interpreted Lava Flows (1:500,000), Geological Interpretation of Geophysical Features Arc
This dataset contains Lava flows that have been interpreted either from intersections in drill holes or from magnetic responses. The dataset is accompanied by other datasets...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
2010 Index of Stream Condition - Vegetation Overhang polygon features
The ISC2010_VEGETATION_OVERHANG polygon features represent areas of vegetation that partially or wholly overhang the Stream Bed. The data set contains the whole vegetation...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Miscellaneous geological lines and points (1:250,000)
This dataset displays miscellaneous geological line and point data not covered by other geological datasets. The data has been collected by the Geological Survey of Victoria....Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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