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5,513 datasets found
Victorian Government Aboriginal Affairs Report 2020 (VGAAR)
This Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework data demonstrates how we've tracked against our commitment to improving outcomes for Aboriginal Victorians. The Report includes...First Peoples State Relations
Bike Racks
This dataset describes the type and location of bike racks located in Ballarat. The information was collected as the bike racks were constructed. The intended use of the...City of Ballarat
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Public Toilets
This dataset describes the location of public toilets located in Ballarat. The information was collected as the toilets were constructed. The intended use of the information is...City of Ballarat
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Public Lighting
This dataset describes the type and location of public lighting located in Ballarat. The information was collected as the lighting was constructed. The intended use of the...City of Ballarat
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Vicmap Hydro 1:25,000
This dataset series contains line, point & polygon features delineating hydrology. It is a combination of a number of data sets that are a part of Vicmap Hydro. Datasets in...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Bridge Locations
This dataset provides the locations of the Bridge Assets in the City of Casey, extracted from the City of Casey's Asset Management System and GIS databases.City of Casey
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Business establishments location and industry classification
Data collected as part of the City of Melbourne's Census of Land Use and Employment (CLUE). The data covers the period 2002-2022. It show business establishments with their...City of Melbourne
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Glass Dropoff Locations
The City of Ballarat announced NO GLASS in recycling bins from Monday 30 September 2019. NO glass is allowed in the yellow recycling bin (alternate glass deposit is available)...City of Ballarat
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Gas and Fuel Pipelines - warning 75% complete
Onshore and offshore, oil and gas, transmission pipelines under the following Acts: Offshore Commonwealth waters - Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas storage Act 2006 Onshore...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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VPSC Workforce Data 2023
Data on the Victorian public sector workforce as at June 2023. Unless stated otherwise, this workforce data shows numbers as at June 2023. This data doesn’t show the machinery...Victorian Public Sector Commission
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VPSC People Matters Survey 2023
The People Matter survey is an independent opinion survey conducted by the Victorian Public Sector Commission that enables employees from organisations across the public sector...Victorian Public Sector Commission
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Fire severity map of the major fires in Gippsland and north east Victoria in 2019/20 (version 1.0)
Fire severity classification of bushfires (wildfires) impacting ~1.5 million hectares of predominantly forested public land in eastern and north-eastern Victoria (and ~300,000...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Roadside Slashing
The Roadside Slashing dataset for the City of Casey, and roads on the Local Government Boundary are shared with the neighbouring Council. On days of Total Fire Bans there will...City of Casey
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Noise Protocol - Designation of zones and reservations
This dataset contains the designated types of zones and reservations for major urban areas used when setting noise limits for commercial, industrial and trade premises. The...Environment Protection Authority Victoria
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Major Urban Area - location polygons and table
This data provides the major urban area boundaries used when setting noise limits for commercial, industrial and trade premises. The Environment Protection Regulations 2021 and...Environment Protection Authority Victoria
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Crime Statistics Agency - Offence Classifications
The Crime Statistics Agency (CSA) has developed this offence classification to assist in the production and analysis of summary crime and justice statistics in Victoria. It is...Crime Statistics Agency
EPA Port Phillip Bay Water Quality Data 1984 - 2024
Water quality data collected from EPA Victoria Marine Fixed Site Network within Port Phillip Bay. Contains water sample data on a range of nutrients and physical parameters,...EPA Water Sciences
Battle to Farm site data
This data was compiled for the website 'Battle to Farm' (now deprecated) which shows digitised records for each returned soldier. The data includes the name of the soldier,...Public Records Office Victoria
Microclimate sensors data
This dataset contains climate readings from climate sensors located within the City. The data is updated every fifteen minutes and can be used to determine variations in...City of Melbourne
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Car Parking Zones
This dataset describes the type and location of car parking zones located in Ballarat. The information was collected as the zones were established. The intended use of the...City of Ballarat
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