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State Budget 2024-25 - Macroeconomic Indicators
The Department forecasts a number of macroeconomic aggregates for inclusion in the budget papers. These forecasts have three main purposes: they provide a framework for...Victorian State Budget
State Budget 2024-25 - State Taxation Revenue
Taxation revenue is revenue received from the State’s taxpayers. State taxation revenue includes: payroll tax mental health and wellbeing levy land tax duties levied principally...Victorian State Budget
State Budget 2024-25 - Aggregate Financial Statements
Historical data, some going back 20 to 40 years for major fiscal aggregates. Wherever possible, adjustments have been made to make the historical series consistent with the...Victorian State Budget
VIF2023 One Page Profile for Victoria
Victoria in Future 2023 data is available in one-page profiles for individual regions providing the highlights of population and household change. Victoria in Future projections...Department of Transport and Planning
VIF2023 Regions Population Household Dwelling Projections to 2051
Major regions include the Metropolitan Regions and Regional Partnerships. Victoria in Future projections are an estimate of the future size, distribution and composition of the...Department of Transport and Planning
VIF2023 One Page Profile
Victoria in Future 2023 data is available in one-page profiles for individual regions providing the highlights of population and household change. Victoria in Future projections...Department of Transport and Planning
VIF2023 LGA Population Household Dwelling Projections to 2036
Victoria’s 79 municipalities plus unincorporated Victoria are listed as LGAs. Victoria in Future projections are an estimate of the future size, distribution and composition of...Department of Transport and Planning
VIF2023 Regions Population Age Sex Projections to 2051
Major regions include the Metropolitan Regions and Regional Partnerships. Victoria in Future projections are an estimate of the future size, distribution and composition of the...Department of Transport and Planning
VIF2023 LGA Population Age Sex Projections to 2036
Victoria’s 79 municipalities plus unincorporated Victoria are listed as LGAs. Victoria in Future projections are an estimate of the future size, distribution and composition of...Department of Transport and Planning
VIF2023 Victoria Demographic Projections to 2051
Data for Victoria include detailed components of population change and population by single year of age and sex, including historic estimates from 2011. Victoria in Future...Department of Transport and Planning
Victorian Board and board member profile
Victorian Public Sector Commission publishes board and board member profile data from over 3500 boards and just under 32,000 board members. Figures are sourced from the...Victorian Public Sector Commission
Geophysical metamorphism (1:100,000), Geophysical Interpretation of Contact and Regional Metamorphism
This dataset displays areas of contact and regional metamorphism, and the style of metamorphism, mapped using using combined interpretations of airborne magnetic, radiometric...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
Geological Basins
Geological Basins - not currently shown in Eureka!Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Victorian Public Sector Employees 2021 - Work location
This file has the proportion of public sector employees working in each specified Victorian region by industry Victorian Public Sector Commission (VPSC) publishes this data set...Victorian Public Sector Commission
All Schools FTE Enrolments - Feb 2019
Information collected from the February 2019 school census of Victorian schools. For each school Full Time Equivalent (FTE) enrolments by school type, year level and sex are...Department of Education
Victorian Public Sector Employees 2021 - Staff turnover
This file has the number and rate of non-casual public sector employees separating and commencing each financial year by: • industry • age group Victorian Public Sector...Victorian Public Sector Commission
Victorian Alpine Resorts - Daily Snow Depth Records Mount Stirling
Snow data is sourced from each of the resorts, using data collected each morning by on-mountain staff. The measuring of natural snow depths is done at up to four gauge locations...Alpine Resorts Victoria
NaturePrint v4.0 Strategic Biodiversity Values
Strategic Biodiversity Values (SBV) is one of NaturePrint's decision-support products. It combines information on important areas for threatened flora and fauna, levels of...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Victorian Alpine Resorts - Daily Snow Depth Records Mount Baw Baw
Snow data is sourced from each of the resorts, using data collected each morning by on-mountain staff. The measuring of natural snow depths is done at up to four gauge locations...Alpine Resorts Victoria
Victorian Public Sector Employees 2021 - Employment numbers over time
This file has employment numbers, in headcount and full time equivalent (FTE) terms, for: • Victorian public sector, by industry group, gender and Aboriginal and/or Torres...Victorian Public Sector Commission