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Victoria SES Road Rescue Incidents Attended per Region 2013-14
Road rescue incident responses attended by Victoria SES regions on a monthly basis for the financial year 2013 - 2014.Victoria State Emergency Services
State Capital Program Budget Paper No.4 2013-14 - Westernport Region Water Corporation
This dataset provides information about capital programs and projects currently underway, those where work will commence in 2013-14 and a list of those expected to be completed...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
State Budget 2017-18 - Whole of State Consolidated Comprehensive Operating Statement
This Statement contains the whole of State consolidated comprehensive operating statement from 2007-08.Victorian State Budget
Motor Vehicle Duty Rates 2016-17 (LMCT)
Duties are administered by the State Revenue Office pursuant to the Duties Act 2000 (the Act). The Act creates and charges duties on a number of identified transactions. The Act...State Revenue Office
Notified cases of infectious diseases in Vic. by age group, sex and DoH Region - Hume
Tabulated summary of notified cases of infectious diseases in Victoria by age group, sex and Department of Health Region for the year to date, with comparisons for the previous...Department of Health and Human Services
DET Annual Report 2020/21 - Executive Officer
Data on the number, in FTE, of all executive officers of the Department and its portfolio agencies, at 30 June, showing the number by gender, by class and variance compared to...Department of Education
Department of Health financial statements 2014-15
The financial reports for the department assist assessments of forecast financial performance, and its use of the parliamentary authority for resources.DTF - Corporate and Government Services
State Election 2006: Western Victoria Region Distribution of Votes
The proportional counting system is used to count to determine the result for the Legislative Council (Upper House) Regions. The proportional counting system is used when more...Victorian Electoral Commission
State Budget 2015-16 - Growth in Wage Price Index
The Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) monitors economic conditions in the Victorian economy and prepares forecasts of the main economic indicators of those conditions...Department of Treasury and Finance
Towns in Time - Seaspray
Towns in Time is a compilation of time series data for Victoria's towns covering the years 1981 to 2011. The data is based on Census data collected by the Australian Bureau of...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
VEC Results for 2014 Melton City Council countback, Coburn Ward
Countbacks occur for local councils when a casual vacancy is to be filled in a multi-councillor ward or unsubdivided municipality. In a countback, votes for the vacating...Victorian Electoral Commission
DHHS Annual report 2016-17 - Output performance reporting
The Department of Health and Human Services annual report provides a snapshot of the department's performance and achievements for each financial year, containing information on...Department of Health and Human Services
Towns in Time - Euroa
Towns in Time is a compilation of time series data for Victoria's towns covering the years 1981 to 2011. The data is based on Census data collected by the Australian Bureau of...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Queenscliffe 2012 Local Government Area Profiles
The Local Government Area profiles are produced annually, from data provided by a range of sources. The profiles currently include around 140 indicators relating to population,...Department of Health and Human Services
Towns in Time - Piangil
Towns in Time is a compilation of time series data for Victoria's towns covering the years 1981 to 2011. The data is based on Census data collected by the Australian Bureau of...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Maternal and Child Health Breastfeeding Rates
The Victorian Government is committed to improving the health and development of children and recognises that breastfeeding plays an important role in achieving this outcome....Department of Health and Human Services
Towns in Time - Charlton
Towns in Time is a compilation of time series data for Victoria's towns covering the years 1981 to 2011. The data is based on Census data collected by the Australian Bureau of...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Department of Environment and Primary Industries output performance measures 2013-14
The Department of Environment and Primary Industries is Victoria’s primary government agency responsible for agriculture, fisheries, forestry, public land and the environment....DTF - Corporate and Government Services
State Budget 2015-16 - Courts Output Performance Measures
Courts performance measures cover areas related to funding to provide, or arrange for the provision of, administrative facilities and services to the courts, the Victorian Civil...Department of Treasury and Finance
State Election 2010: Western Metropolitan Region results summary (Upper House)
The Legislative Council (Upper House) ballot paper allows voters to vote above the line for a group or below the line for an individual candidate. For each Upper House Region...Victorian Electoral Commission