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Towns in Time - Marengo
Towns in Time is a compilation of time series data for Victoria's towns covering the years 1981 to 2011. The data is based on Census data collected by the Australian Bureau of...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
CenITex Workforce 2011-12
This spreadsheet provides information on CenITex workforce for the 2011-12 financial year. It includes data on the headcount and FTE, as well as employment type, gradings, ages...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Towns in Time - Batesford
Towns in Time is a compilation of time series data for Victoria's towns covering the years 1981 to 2011. The data is based on Census data collected by the Australian Bureau of...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Operating Statement Aggregates 2014-15
This statement provides historical data for the operating statement aggregates - income from transactions, expenses from transactions and net result from transactions. Net...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Statement of Changes in Equity (General Government)
The statement presents reconciliations of non-owner and owner changes in equity from opening balances at the beginning of the reporting period to the closing balances at the end...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Victorian Government School Zones 2023
All government primary and secondary schools, including Prep/Foundation to Year 9 and multi-campus schools have school zones. This does not include schools with specific...Department of Education
Victorian State Schools-Voluntary Parent Payments
Contains revenue collected from Subject Contributions; Sale of Class Materials; fundraising Activities; Donations and Camps/Excursions/Activities.Department of Education
Contract expenditure under Strategic Sourcing management - 2011-12 - Tax Advisory Services
Quarterly breakdown of expenditure by inner departments and outer agencies for FY 2011-12DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Towns in Time - Buln Buln
Towns in Time is a compilation of time series data for Victoria's towns covering the years 1981 to 2011. The data is based on Census data collected by the Australian Bureau of...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Towns in Time - Traralgon South
Towns in Time is a compilation of time series data for Victoria's towns covering the years 1981 to 2011. The data is based on Census data collected by the Australian Bureau of...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Building Permit Activity Data 2011
The Victorian Building Authority (VBA) collects information from building surveyors on the number, value and type of building permits issued each month as part of its functions...Victorian Building Authority
Community Support Fund - 2011-12 Funds approved 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012
Established in 1991, the Community Support Fund (CSF) is a trust fund governed by the Gambling Regulation Act 2003 to direct a portion of gaming revenues back into the...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Towns in Time - Sea Lake
Towns in Time is a compilation of time series data for Victoria's towns covering the years 1981 to 2011. The data is based on Census data collected by the Australian Bureau of...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
State Election 2014: Western Victoria Region results summary (Upper House)
The Legislative Council (Upper House) ballot paper allows voters to vote above the line for a group or below the line for an individual candidate. For each Upper House Region...Victorian Electoral Commission
Contract expenditure under Strategic Sourcing management - 2011-12 - Fleet Vehicles - Commercial
Quarterly breakdown of expenditure by inner departments and outer agencies for FY 2011-12DTF - Corporate and Government Services
CFA Financial Statements
CFA's financial data capture income, expenses, economic flows, assets, liabilities, equity, net worth, cash flow and executive salaries for the financial year 2013-2015. These...Country Fire Authority
State Election 2014: Northern Metropolitan Region results summary
A recheck is a normal procedure undertaken by an election manager. After the first count of preferences all ballot papers are re-examined and counted again. Scrutineers are...Victorian Electoral Commission
East Gippsland 2012 Local Government Area Profiles
The Local Government Area profiles are produced annually, from data provided by a range of sources. The profiles currently include around 140 indicators relating to population,...Department of Health and Human Services
DTF Annual Report 2016-17 - Annual financial statements
These tables contain extracts from the annual financial statements for the Department of Treasury and Finance for the year ended 30 June 2017. The financial statements have been...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
DET Annual Report 2021/22 - Comparative Workforce
The data on head count and full-time staff equivalent (FTE) of all active public service employees of the Department, includes VPS and Government Teaching Workforce, Ongoing...Department of Education