Beneficial Use - Middle Tertiary

This layer is part of a set that defines the beneficial use of Victoria's groundwater resources. According to the Victorian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), a beneficial use is a use to the environment, or a segment of the environment which is conductive to public benefit, welfare, safety, health or aesthetic enjoyment and which requires protection from the effects of waste discharges, emissions or deposits. A beneficial use may be an existing or potential use. A resource may have more than one beneficial use. The State's groundwater resources have a number of beneficial uses. These uses primarily depend on groundwater quality and aquifer yield and can be assigned to broad water quality classes.

Data and Resources

Additional Information

Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 26/09/2023
Last updated 28/11/2024
Organisation Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Category Spatial Data
Full metadata URL