Block level energy consumption (modelled on building attributes) - 2021 projection - retrofit scenario

This dataset should be read alongside other energy consumption datasets on the City of Melbourne open data platform as well as the following report:

The dataset outlines modelled energy consumption across the City of Melbourne municipality. It is not energy consumption data captured by a meter, but modelled data based on building attributes such as building age, floor area etc. This data was provided by the CSIRO as a result of a study commissioned by IMAP Councils. The study was governed by a Grant Agreement between Councils and the CSIRO, which stated an intent for the data to be published. This specific dataset is presented at a block level scale. It includes both commercial and residential buildings and is a 2021 projection, relative to a 2011 baseline, based on a scenario of buildings being retrofitted. It does not include the industrial sector.

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Additional Information

Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 07/03/2023
Last updated 13/06/2024
Organisation City of Melbourne
License - other CC BY
Full metadata URL
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