Community Support Fund - 2010-11 Total expenditure

Established in 1991, the Community Support Fund (CSF) is a trust fund governed by the Gambling Regulation Act 2003 to direct a portion of gaming revenues back into the community.

In 2011 the CSF was transferred to the Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) as part of the machinery of government changes following the State Government election held in November 2010.

The Fund receives 8.33 per cent of revenue from electronic gaming machines located in Victorian hotels. This constitutes about 10 per cent of the government’s revenue from electronic gaming machines. The majority of gaming revenue is directed to other purposes, such as supporting hospitals and charities in the health sector.

Each financial year, $45 million from this revenue is provided to the Victorian Government’s drug strategy, as outlined in the legislation.

The legislation also provides for the payment of one day’s revenue from the Community Support Fund to the Victorian Veterans Fund on 1 September each year.

The Victorian Government then allocates the remaining funding to a range of portfolio departments. Funded initiatives must be consistent with the purposes of the legislation described below:

  • programs to tackle problem gambling are the first call on the fund, including payment of amounts into the Responsible Gambling Fund*;
  • drug education, treatment and rehabilitation;
  • financial counselling and support for families in crisis;
  • youth programs;
  • sport and recreation;
  • arts and tourism;
  • advancement of the community as determined by the minister; and
  • costs associated with administering the CSF.

The funds provided to departments are generally then used to provide grants to a wide range of community-based organisations and councils, supporting them to build strong and sustainable communities.

Any interest on funds held within the CSF is retained and distributed for the community purposes set out in the legislation.

For more information in relation to the CSF see the PDF documentCommunity Support Fund fact sheet (174 KB PDF) | (333 KB DOC)

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Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 01/02/2013
Last updated 17/12/2024
Organisation DTF - Corporate and Government Services
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Update Frequency