DHS Additional data 2013-14 (Housing)

This dataset supports the 2013-2014 annual report of the Department of Human Services, which details how the department met its objectives and highlights key achievements for the reporting period. This particular dataset is additional information providing a summary of Social housing data including, public rental housing, public housing client profiles, rental stock, stock management program activities, social housing dwellings and changes to Director-owned dwellings during 2013–14,

Social housing assistance focuses on providing adequate, affordable and accessible housing targeted to those in greatest need, delivered cost-effectively and in coordination with support services where required. Social housing assistance is provided on a long or short-term basis.

Long-term social housing assistance includes public rental accommodation, community-managed housing in Director-owned properties and community-owned stock for designated client groups and rental accommodation for low income Victorians with identified support needs. Long-term public rental housing also includes movable units.

In recent years, housing assistance has been increasingly targeted to people in greatest need. Targeting to high need groups has impacts in terms of stock turnover and costs.

Short-term social housing is provided to Victoria’s homeless individuals and families. Clients are assisted under the Crisis Supported Accommodation and Transitional Housing Management programs.

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Additional Information

Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 20/10/2014
Last updated 17/12/2024
Organisation Department of Health and Human Services
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Update Frequency