EPA Victoria Environmental Audit Reports - Location Polygons

EPA maintains a searchable list of sites or properties issued with a certificate or statement of environmental audit in accordance with 53X of the Environment Protection Act 1970, and sites with a audit issued in accordance with section 53V of the Environment Protection Act 1970. EPA also maintains a searchable list of sites and properties issued with a statement of environmental audits issued in accordance with section 208 of the Environment Protection Act 2017.

Since the 1st of July 2021, the notification of new 53X and 53V audits under the Environmental Protect Act 1970 ceased and all environmental audits since this date have been notified under section 208 Environmental Protection Act 2017. The types of audits notified under the Environmental Protection Act 2017 include, Land Suitability Audits which most commonly take place when land is proposed for new use and is potentially contaminated, or if it is already covered by an Environmental Audit Overlay. Risk of Harm from an activity audits which are related to sites with EPA permissions or licences, Risk of Harm from Contaminated Land, Pollution or Waste Audits which are mostly related to EPA notices relating to clean up of pollution or waste on sites.

This dataset mirrors the audit data available on EPA's website interaction portal, but may not be up to date due to data transfer processes. For the most up to date data, go to EPA's website public register page.

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Additional Information

Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 06/06/2024
Last updated 07/06/2024
Organisation Environment Protection Authority Victoria
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Full metadata URL https://metashare.maps.vic.gov.au/geonetwork/srv/api/records/65b5cf1c-c49c-4a2d-90b1-b8b4e740f7dd/formatters/sdm-html?root=html&output=html
Update Frequency