
When farmers have access to up-to-date agricultural data, delivered through easy-to-use online tools, they can make better operational decisions for their farm. FarmBuild makes it easier to build useful farm management tools based on Agriculture Victoria science. Experts can use FarmBuild to access map services, farm nutrient balance models and local soil data so they can develop applications that their farming clients need.Agriculture Victoria has developed an enormous resource of scientific data and information over many decades. FarmBuild is working to ensure the widest possible group has access to the science in a usable form. The Victorian Government wants to ensure cutting edge research is applied in the field to keep our agricultural industries productive, profitable and sustainable. We want our agricultural products to remain a central pillar of Victoria’s thriving export industry. Services and features available through FarmBuild. Soils Area calculator (Web Service), Rural Parcel & GMID soils (wfs layers), Whole farm Nutrient Balance calculator (hosted code), soil import (hosted code), web mapping (hosted code), Animal distribution(hosted Code), map print service (web service)

Data and Resources

Additional Information

Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 27/07/2017
Last updated 17/12/2024
Organisation Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Update Frequency