Geophysics (1:100,000), Geological Interpretation of Geophysical Features Arc

This dataset contains interpreted geological data, using combined interpretations of airborne magnetic, radiometric and gravity survey data, mapped at 1:100,000.

At scales larger than 1:120,000 the display is a combination of both 1:100,000 and 1:250,000 geophysical mapping. Recent 1:250,000 geophysical mapping has been of such quality and detail it has been used to supersede older coincident 1:100,000 mapping. This occurs in the following areas: St Arnaud 7524, Dunolly 7624, Charlton 7525, Wedderburn 7625 and part of Ararat 7423 are superseded by St Arnaud SJ54-4. Bendigo 7724, Heathcote 7824 and Nagambie 7924 are superseded by Bendigo SJ55-1.

Balmoral 7223, Ararat 7423, Horsham SJ54-3 and St Arnaud SJ54-4 supersede Grampians 7323 where there is overlap.

This data has been collected by the Geological Survey of Victoria. This dataset is accompanied by other datasets representing sub-surface geological polygons, structural lines, miscellaneous lines and metamorphism.

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Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 26/09/2023
Last updated 16/11/2024
Organisation Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Full metadata URL
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