Melbourne Industrial and Commercial Land Use Plan - Industrial Aug2020

This data has been developed as a part of the Melbourne Industrial and Commercial Land Use Plan (MICLUP) and represents the spatial extent of industrial and commercial land identified in that plan for metropolitan Melbourne.

This dataset represents the spatial extent of existing and future industrial land in metropolitan Melbourne. The layer stores details of the precinct name (where known), metropolitan region, local government area, status (existing or future) and classification as identified in MICLUP.

Datasets in the series are listed below. See their metadata entries for more detailed metadata. There are three separate dataset layers as follows:
Commercial land - existing;
Commercial land - future;
Industrial land - future and existing.

The layers store details of Metropolitan Region, Local Government Area, MICLUP classification and, depending on the layer, a range of other information relating to land area or floorspace area for each precinct identified in the MICLUP may also be included.

NOTE: The industrial dataset was updated in August 2020 to correct an error in relation to state-significant industrial precincts in the vicinity of Beveridge and Officer-Pakenham.

Data and Resources

Additional Information

Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 26/09/2023
Last updated 16/11/2024
Organisation Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Full metadata URL
Update Frequency