Restricted and Unavailable Crown Land for Mining and/or Exploration

Land where special permission must be obtained for Mining and/or Exploration.

This layer was developed for land classification for the Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990

This layer is derived mostly from selections from Public Land Management PLM25. Other sources of data include PLM100_V_MMT_WILDLIFE_MGMT for wildlife reserves, PLM100_V_MMT_HERITAGE_RIVER for heritage rivers, PLM100_V_MMT_NATRL_CATCHMENT for natural catchemnt area and PLM100_V_MMT_REFERENCE_AREAS for reference areas.

The dataset PLM25_MRSDA is an amalgamation of features defined by: Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 - SCHEDULE 3 Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 - SECT 6 Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 - SECT 7

The GeoVic3 layers: Restricted Crown Land (MRSDA) Unavailable Crown Land (MRSDA) and Unavailable S7 Exempt Areas (MRSDA)

are subsets from the layer PLM25_MRSDA.

Schedule 3 of the MRDA includes

Restricted Crown Land

  1. land reserved for the following purposes a) regional parks b) coastal parks including Gippsland Lakes Reserves c) marine parks e) wildlife reserves including Wildlife Management Co-operative Areas f) natural features and scenic reserves including caves and geological reserves g) bushland reserves h) historic areas and reserves i) public land water frontage reserves j) streamside reserves including River Murray Reserve k) coastal reserves l) national heritage parks m) nature conservation reserves n) historic and cultural feature reserves
  2. Any land that is an alpine resort within the meaning of the Alpine Resorts Act 1983
  3. Any land which is a heritage river area under section 5 of the Heritage Rivers Act 1992 other than land to which paragraph a or b of section 6 of this Act applies.
  4. Any land that is a natural catchment area under section 6 of the Heritage Rivers Act 1992 other than land to which paragraph a or b of section 6 of this Act applies.

Unavailable Crown Land

  • land that is a reference area

  • land that is a national park, wilderness park or State park

  • land that is a marine national park or a marine sanctuary

Exempt Area

  • land exempt from exploration or mining license by the Minister.

Data and Resources

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Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 18/02/2024
Last updated 07/06/2024
Organisation Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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