Train Service Passenger Counts - historical

Allows users to analyse trends and flows of passenger movements. The dataset provides the number of patrons that boarded and alighted a particular train service per business date. Estimated passenger counts includes all persons aged 5 and over, excluding drivers and station staff.

Note: Data users should interpret the data cautiously, as the data model provides estimates only, and its algorithms rely on a series of assumptions that are listed in the Data Quality section of the metadata. In particular, greatest caution is needed in relying on estimated train loadings at busier stations where there are greater transfers between train services, such as at the City Loop station and other transfer hubs. Methodologies for the estimation of patronage are subject to continuing improvements as new technology and techniques are available, and this data may be refined and updated over time.

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Data preview - Train Service Passenger Counts 2023-2024.

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Additional Information

Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 22/03/2024
Last updated 22/11/2024
Organisation Department of Transport and Planning
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Category Transport
Full metadata URL