Victorian Wastewater testing results - October 2022

This is a historical data record of the Victorian Wastewater testing program. Data contains results from October 2022.

Testing of wastewater can show if SARS-CoV-2 – the virus that causes COVID-19 – is present in a geographical area or population.

Victoria conducts wastewater surveillance and uses testing results with other health data as part of our COVID-19 response. People who have or have recently had COVID-19 may shed fragments of the virus. These fragments can enter wastewater through toilets, bowls, sinks and drains. This viral shedding may come from different sources such as used tissues, off hands and skin, or in stools. This shedding may last for a number of weeks beyond when a person is infectious.

Samples of wastewater are collected from treatment plants and in the sewer network, both in metropolitan and regional locations. These samples are analysed for fragments of coronavirus.

If viral fragments are detected in the wastewater of an area where there have not been recent COVID-19 cases, local communities can be more vigilant, promptly seek clinical testing if symptomatic, and practise COVID-safe behaviours with increased vigilance.

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Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 16/09/2021
Last updated 03/01/2025
Organisation Coronavirus Victoria
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Update Frequency