Department of Education
All Schools FTE enrolments - Feb 2017
Information collected from the February 2017 school census of Victorian schools. For each school Full Time Equivalent (FTE) enrolments by school type, year level and sex are...Department of Education
DE Annual Report 2022/23 - Environmental Reporting
Disclosure of the department’s performance against the environmental performance indicators as outlined in the Financial Reporting Direction 24. Annual Report published:...Department of Education
2018 On Track Year 12 or equivalent completers post school destinations, Victoria
The On Track Survey is conducted in April-May of school leavers who attended school in the previous year and who agreed to participate in the survey. The On Track survey seeks...Department of Education
2019 On Track Survey - Year 12 or equivalent completers post school destinations, Victoria
The On Track Survey is conducted in April to mid-July of school leavers who attended school in the previous year and who agreed to participate in the survey. The On Track survey...Department of Education
School Locations 2021
Listing of all school locations in Victoria. Includes primary and secondary schools, government and non-government. Information collected as part of the ongoing registration of...Department of Education
- Preview
2020 On Track Survey - Year 12 or equivalent completers post school destinations, Victoria
The On Track Survey is conducted in April to mid-July of Victorian school leavers who completed Year 12 or equivalent in the previous year and who agreed to participate in the...Department of Education
School Locations 2023
Listing of all school locations in Victoria. Includes primary and secondary schools, government and non-government. Information collected as part of the ongoing registration of...Department of Education
Post school destinations of Year 12 or equivalent completers, Victorian schools, 2015
The On Track Survey has been conducted annually since 2003. School leavers who attended school in the previous year and who agreed to participate in the survey are contacted in...Department of Education
All Schools FTE enrolments - Feb 2020
Information collected from the February school census of Victorian schools. For each school, Full Time Equivalent (FTE) enrolments by school type, year level and sex are...Department of Education
DET 2019-20 Financial statements
The financial statements relate to the controlled operations of the Department, including government schools, including a 5 year summary.Department of Education
DET 2019-20 Executive officer data
The executive officers of the Department and its portfolio agencies for 30 June 2020.Department of Education
DET 2019-20 Government advertising expenditure
Information released in the Department of Education and Training's Annual Report 2019-20 on government advertising expenditure: Campaigns with a media spend of $100,000 or greater.Department of Education
DET 2019-20 Performance against output performance measures
Information released in the Department of Education and Training's Annual Report 2019-20 on DET's performance against output performance measures.Department of Education
DET 2019-20 Progress towards achieving departmental objectives
The Department measures progress of children and young people as they move from early childhood into their school years, and then into further education and work through the...Department of Education
DET 2019-20 Comparative workforce data
Head count and full-time staff equivalent (FTE) of all active public service employees of the Department.Department of Education
2017 On Track Year 12 or equivalent completers student level destination data
The On Track Survey is conducted in April-May and involves a short telephone survey of school leavers who attended school in the previous year and who agreed to participate in...Department of Education
- Preview
DET 2018-19 Performance against output performance measures
Information released in the Department of Education and Training's Annual Report 2018-19 on DET's performance against output performance measures.Department of Education
DET 2018-19 Progress towards achieving departmental objectives
The Department measures progress of children and young people as they move from early childhood into their school years, and then into further education and work through the...Department of Education
DET 2018-19 Government advertising expenditure
Information released in the Department of Education and Training's Annual Report 2018-19 on 'Government Advertising Expenditure: Campaigns with a media spend of $100,000 or...Department of Education
Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority Annual Report
Annual reports that cover the period of a financial year and are presented to Parliament for approval.Department of Education