Department of Education
Support for Students with Disabilities Performance Measures 2013-14
The performance measures cover areas relating to the Program for Students with Disabilities, transport for special needs students and welfare and support services for students...Department of Education
DEECD Secondary School Education - Performance Measures 2013-14
The performance measures cover areas relating to the provision of education and other associated services designed to improve the quality of student learning and transition of...Department of Education
DEECD Primary School Education - Performance Measures 2013-14
The performance measures cover areas relating to education and other associated services designed to improve the quality of learning of students in Prep to Year 6 in government...Department of Education
DEECD Early Childhood Development Performance Measures 2013-14
The performance measures cover areas relating to funding for a range of services that support children in the early years, including kindergarten and children’s services,...Department of Education
DEECD Departmental Unit Cost Indicators - 2014
DEECD's objective is to increase the productivity of its services. This data reports 2014-15 unit cost indicators. This describes the Productivity objective and reports the...Department of Education
DEECD Strategy, Review and Regulation Performance Measures 2013-14
The performance measures cover activities relating to the development, planning and monitoring of strategic policy settings across all stages of learning.Department of Education
Number of employees trained by region (including reaccreditation) - Merit Protection Board
It is a requirement for all selection panels in DEECD to include a merit- trained employee as a member of any selection panel. To facilitate this requirement, the Merit...Department of Education
Teaching Service and Public Service Appeals and Grievances 2013-2014 - Merit Protection Board
The Merit Protection Boards were established in 1993 under the Teaching Service ActDepartment of Education
DEECD Freedom of Information Contacts 2014
Freedom of Information Contacts 2014 - The Freedom of Information Act1982 (FOI ACT) provides all people with a legally enforceable right to: access documents in the possession...Department of Education
DEECD Five year Year Financial Summary 2009-14
A summary table of DEECD financial data from 2008/09 to 2013/14, and to provide current year financial review. Data include total amount for revenue, expenses, assets and...Department of Education
DEECD Financial Statements and notes to the financial statements 2014
DEECD 2013-14 financial statements and notes. Operating statement, balance sheet, statement of changes in equity, cash flow statement, notes to financial statementsDepartment of Education
DEECD Budget Portfolio Outcomes 2014
2013-14 DEECD portfolio financial statements including actual and budget results. Operating statement, balance sheet, statement of changes in equity, cash flow statement,...Department of Education
DEECD Incident Management and Workers Compensation Claims 2011-14
Incidents are OH&S events, other than those affecting students, as reported in eduSafe. Claims information relates to Workers' Compensation Standard Claims made by employees...Department of Education
MCH Annual Report Statewide Tables 2010/11 to 2013/14
Information collected from the Municipalities for the Maternal and Child Health services Annual Report. This includes Birth notifications, Enrolments details, Number and...Department of Education
DET Number and Full Time Equivalent of Staff on pay 2014-2015
Information extracted from the fortnightly payroll of staff receiving pay as at the last payroll at June 2014 and June 2015 or employed as a VPS classified Casual employee...Department of Education
DET Full Time Equivalent Staff on pay 2011-2015
Information extracted from the fortnightly payroll of staff receiving pay as at the last payroll at June 2010 to June 2014 or employed as a VPS classified Casual employee...Department of Education
DET VPS staff on pay 2014-2015
Information extracted from the fortnightly payroll of staff receiving pay as at the last payroll at June 2014 and June 2015 or employed as a VPS classified Casual employee...Department of Education
Government Teaching Service Staff on pay 2014-2015
Information extracted from the fortnightly payroll of staff receiving pay as at the last payroll at June 2014 and June 2015.Department of Education
DET Annual Report financial statements 2014-15
Financial statements for the Department of Education and Training in accordance with Standing Direction 4.2 of the Financial Management Act 1994, applicable Financial Reporting...Department of Education
Victorian State School Electricity Consumption 2010-11
Electricity consumption measurements at State schools first became available via a pilot implementation of a whole-of-Victorian-government environmental data system in DET in...Department of Education