Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Vicmap Lite - Victorian Government Region Polygon - 1:250,000 to 1 :5,000,000
This layer is part of Vicmap Lite and contains polygon features delineating Victorian Government Regional Departmental boundary areas. Vicmap Lite datasets are suited for use...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Vicmap Reference - Hydrography Origin Table
Part of VMREFTAB, the set of Reference Tables for the VICMAP suite of products.Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Vicmap Elevation - Contour Line (10 and 20 metres)
This layer is part of Vicmap Elevation 10-20 Contours & Relief, a subset of Vicmap Elevation. It contains topographical relief features represented by lines. Data has been...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Vicmap Lite - Postcode Polygon - 1:250,000 to 1:5,000,000
This layer is part of Vicmap Lite and contains polygon features delineating postcode areas. Vicmap Lite datasets are suited for use between scales of 1: 250,000 and 1 : 5...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Land Conservation Council Study Areas
This layer contains the line and polygon features depicting the Land Conservation Council Study Area boundaries according to the Statewide Assessment Report of 1989, with...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Vicmap Reference - Feature Catalogue Table
Part of VMREFTAB, the set of Reference Tables for the VICMAP suite of products.Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
The Western Port Local Coastal Hazard Assessment (LCHA) provides information on the extent of coastal hazards and their physical impacts for the Western Port coastal...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Major Residential Redevelopments Sites 2019
The Urban Development Program (UDP) monitors and reports on major residential redevelopment projects across metropolitan Melbourne. Major redevelopment projects are those...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Vicmap Reference - Adminstrative Locality Table
Part of VMREFTAB, the set of Reference Tables for the VICMAP suite of products.Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Sediment Bores Free Air (FA) gravity
This dataset comprises all basement boreholes which have reached bedrock by passing through sedimentary sequences used for bore control of Free Air (FA) gravity data. These...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Baseflow Separation Analysis for Unregulated Rivers (1889 to 2012)
Baseflow separation analysis was undertaken for 180 stream gauges on unregulated rivers in Victoria. This included the 178 gauges assessed in previous DEPI and MDBA assessments....Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Modelled old-growth forest
The MOG spatial dataset shows the modelled extent of Old Growth Forest in Victoria. This spatial layer is based on the MOG2009, with reduced extent based on disturbances from...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Biologically Important Areas
Biologically Important Area data are spatially defined areas where aggregations of individuals of a regionally significant species are known to display biologically important...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Victorian Coastal Inundation Sea Level Rise Storm Tide 2070
The Victorian Coastal Inundation Dataset (the product) is a digital dataset consisting of eight spatial layers modelling the extent of land subject to coastal inundation due to...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Beach Natural Features
Victorian state-wide dataset containing information on natural features at each ocean beach relating to the surf zone and hydrology, beach system or type, dominant shoreline...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Other Coastal Plans
Dataset containing an indication of the geographic extent covered by other Coastal Plans (non-CAPS) identified in 'Section 8.1 Other Coastal Plans', of the Victorian Coastal...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Fire history overlay of most recent fires
This layer has been derived from FIRE_HISTORY data and represents the spatial extent of the last fires recorded, primarily on public land. The layer stores details of the last...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Vicmap Reference - Address Source Table
Part of VMREFTAB, the set of Reference Tables for the VICMAP suite of products.Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Modified Rivers
This dataset consists of 'modified' and 'unmodified' waterways for Victoria which have been attributed as 'perennial' or 'non-perennial' (i.e. ephemeral).Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Modelled old-growth forest boundaries.
This layer contains identified areas of modelled old-growth forest derived from both vector and grid based analysis. Areas delineated as old growth forest are identified to meet...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action