Victorian State Budget
State Budget 2017-18 - Net Debt
This dataset provides historical data on the net debt of the general government sector. Net debt equals sum of deposits held, advances received, government securities, loans and...Victorian State Budget
State Budget 2017-18 - Department of Justice and Regulation Output Performance Measures
DJR performance measures cover areas related to funding for a range of services provided by the department to deliver high-quality services to Victorians and support a safe,...Victorian State Budget
State Budget 2016-17 - Department of Premier and Cabinet Output Performance Measures
DPC performance measures cover areas related to funding to support the department's role in leading the Victorian public service, advising government on emerging policy issues...Victorian State Budget
State Budget 2016-17 - Other Taxes (Fire Services Property Levy)
Taxation revenue is revenue received from the State’s taxpayers and includes payroll tax, land tax, duties levied principally on conveyances and land transfers, gambling taxes,...Victorian State Budget
State Budget 2017-18 - State Taxation Revenue (Annual)
Taxation revenue is revenue received from the State’s taxpayers and includes payroll tax, land tax, duties levied principally on conveyances and land transfers, gambling taxes,...Victorian State Budget
State Budget 2017-18 - Operating Statement Aggregates
This statement provides historical data for the operating statement aggregates - income from transactions, expenses from transactions and net result from transactionsVictorian State Budget
State Budget 2016-17 - Cash Flow Aggregates
This statement provides historical data for the cash flow aggregates - cash receipts, cash payments and net cash flows. This information has been extracted from the cash flow...Victorian State Budget
State Budget 2017-18 - Net Financial Liabilities
This dataset provides historical data on the net financial liability of the general government sector. Net financial liabilities are the total liabilities less financial assets,...Victorian State Budget
State Budget 2017-18 - Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Output Performance Measures
DELWP performance measures cover areas related to funding for a range of services provided by the department to create liveable, inclusive and sustainable communities.Victorian State Budget
State Budget 2017-18 - Parliament and VAGO financial statements
The financial reports for Parliament and VAGO assists assessments of forecast financial performance.Victorian State Budget
State Budget 2016-17 - Courts financial statements
The financial reports for the Courts assist assessments of forecast financial performance, and its use of the parliamentary authority for resources.Victorian State Budget
State Budget 2017-18 - Department of Education and Training Output Performance Measures
DET performance measures cover areas related to funding for a range of services provided by the department including learning and development support and resources for all...Victorian State Budget
State Budget 2017-18 - Whole of State Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
This dataset contains the whole of State statement of changes in equity from 2007-08.Victorian State Budget
State Budget 2016-17 - Consolidated Balance Sheet - General Government Sector
This spreadsheet provides historical data for the balance sheet. This information is consistent with AASB 1049 Whole of Government and General Government Sector Financial...Victorian State Budget
State Budget 2016-17 - Current Forecasts Overview
Taxation revenue is revenue received from the State’s taxpayers and includes payroll tax, land tax, duties levied principally on conveyances and land transfers, gambling taxes,...Victorian State Budget
State Budget 2017-18 - Other operating expenses by sector
Other operating expenses generally represent the day-to-day running costs incurred in normal operations and mainly include the purchase of supplies and consumables and the...Victorian State Budget
State Budget 2017-18 - Courts financial statements
The financial reports for the Courts assists assessments of forecast financial performance, and its use of the parliamentary authority for resources.Victorian State Budget
State Budget 2016-17 - Gambling Taxes
Taxation revenue is revenue received from the State’s taxpayers and includes payroll tax, land tax, duties levied principally on conveyances and land transfers, gambling taxes,...Victorian State Budget
State Budget 2016-17 - Whole of State Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
This dataset contains the whole of State consolidated statement of cash flows from 2007-08.Victorian State Budget
State Budget 2016-17 - Insurance Taxes
Taxation revenue is revenue received from the State’s taxpayers and includes payroll tax, land tax, duties levied principally on conveyances and land transfers, gambling taxes,...Victorian State Budget