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Victorian Population Health Survey 2014 - VHISS
The Victorian Population Health Survey program was established in 1998 and collects quality information at the State, regional and local government area levels about the health,...Department of Health and Human Services
Police recorded crime trends in Victoria during the COVID-19 pandemic
The Crime Statistics Agency (CSA) has released a research paper entitled "Police-recorded crime trends in Victoria during the COVID-19 pandemic". The paper examines trends in...Crime Statistics Agency
Rooftops with environmental retrofitting opportunities ("Rooftop Project")
The Rooftop Project dataset shows where there may be opportunities to retrofit existing building rooftops for green roofs (intensive and extensive), cool roofs and solar panel...City of Melbourne
City of Melbourne 3D Point Cloud 2018
3D point cloud representing all physical features (e.g. buildings, trees and terrain) across City of Melbourne. The data has been encoded into a .las file format containing...City of Melbourne
Consolidated Balance Sheet - General Government Sector 2019-20
This spreadsheet provides historical data for the balance sheet. This information is consistent with AASB 1049 Whole of Government and General Government Sector Financial...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Maternal and Child Health General Enrolment Details
This dataset demonstrates the outcome of birth notifications which have been received for the reporting year. Birth notifications are based upon the notification of the birth...Department of Health and Human Services
Whole of State Consolidated Balance Sheet 2019-20
This dataset contains the whole of State consolidated balance sheet from 30 June 2008.DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Net Infrastructure Investment 2019-20
This provides historical data for net infrastructure investment in the general government sector. Net infrastructure investment includes the net purchases of property, plant and...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
State Taxation Revenue - quarterly 2019-20
State taxation revenue includes: payroll tax; land tax; duties levied principally on conveyances and land transfers; gambling taxes levied mainly on private lotteries,...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Whole of State Consolidated Comprehensive Operating Statement 2019-20
This Statement contains the whole of State consolidated comprehensive operating statement from 2007-08.DTF - Corporate and Government Services
State budget 2021-22 State Capital Program
The State Capital Program (Budget Paper No. 4) summarises the capital projects the Government will be undertaking in 2021-22 and future years. Budget Paper No. 4 includes:...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Net Financial Liabilities 2019-20
Net financial liabilities are the total liabilities less financial assets, other than equity in public non-financial corporations and public financial corporations. This measure...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Bridges with Posted Mass Limit - VicRoads
Bridges on arterial roads in Victoria with a sign posted mass limit. Data includes name, location by Shire, gross mass permitted (tonnes), Map reference (VicRoads Country Street...Department of Transport and Planning
VICSES Road Rescue Incident Responses, 2018-19
Victoria Road Rescue Incidents as a subset of "Control Agency - Rescue" per VICSES Region and Month, 2018-19State Emergency Services
Cenitex Annual Financial Statements 2017/18 (unaudited)
These financial statements relate to Cenitex. This is not an audited set of the Cenitex financial statements. Please refer to the CenITex Annual Report for an audited set of the...Cenitex
VICSES Incident Responses by Month, 2018-19
This dataset details the total number of incidents responded to by VICSES on a monthly basis during the financial year. It incorporates those incidents in which the agency acted...State Emergency Services
VICSES Incident Responses per Region, 2018-19
A categorised annual count of incident responses performed by the various regions of VICSES. These categories detail the type of response required of VICSES, whether that be as...State Emergency Services
CFA Total Fire Ban History since 1945
CFA's Total Fire Ban data is a historical dataset that captures all Total Fire Bans that have been declared in the state of Victoria. Only CFA has the authority to declare such...Country Fire Authority
VICSES Control Agency Incident Responses, 2018-19
Incident responses categorised as "Control Agency - Natural disaster" responses are those in which Victoria SES assumes control of an incident. This is generally a pre-...State Emergency Services
VICSES Assist Other Agency Responses, 2018-19
Incident responses categorised as "Assist Agency" responses are those in which VICSES provides a supporting role to the "Control Agency" at a particular incident. This is...State Emergency Services