All Schools FTE Enrolments - Feb 2022, Victoria

A dataset of enrolments (FTE) of all schools in Victoria, based on collections from the February 2022 schools census, including Government and non-Government Schools (Catholic and Independent schools). Information collected from the February school census of Victorian schools: For each school, Full Time Equivalent (FTE) enrolments by school type and year level are included. A student who is full-time to school education will be counted as 1.0 FTE. This includes a student who may be shared across two schools (e.g. 0.8 FTE at one school and 0.2 FTE at another school). Students who are part-time to school education will be counted based on the workload for which they have enrolled. In primary year levels, the workload is generally based on the time they attend school while the number of subjects is used for students in secondary year levels.

For this 2022 census year data, the students' sex/gender category is not included for the following reasons:

• The gender of 'self-described' was implemented at the beginning of 2022 for Victorian government schools. Enrolments with this gender value are collected in the 2022 February School Census results but this value is currently under-represented. • Due to the small numbers of enrolments with the 'self-described' gender, there is the potential for individuals to be identifiable at the school and year level. • The 'self-described' counts are in their infancy and will likely increase over time but at this stage the department deems to risk of possible identification as too high for publication.

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Published (Metadata Record) 07/12/2022
Last updated 17/12/2024
Organisation Department of Education
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Category Education
Full metadata URL