DET Annual Report 2021/22 - Progress Towards Achieving Departmental Objectives

The Department measures progress of children and young people as they move from early childhood into their school years, and then into further education and work through the four objectives across this life cycle: achievement, engagement, wellbeing and productivity. On Victorian Student Satisfaction Survey (multiple years), the survey is of students who completed or left training in the previous year. Results have been rearranged to refer to the year of the Survey. Therefore, the 2021 result (latest available) in this dataset is of student training experiences in 2020, based on the 2021 Satisfaction Survey. Due to 2 changes in the survey methodology, the results for this measure cannot be compared over time. In the 2018 Survey (of 2017 experiences), respondents were given an extra response option in one of the relevant questions. In the 2020 Survey (of 2019 experiences), a further change was made to the job-related benefits question to reduce complexity and confusion. On the Engagement Indicators tab, note that for "Students with a positive opinion about their school providing a stimulating learning environment", in 2020–21, the results were reported against the wrong year levels (Years 7–10 and Years 11–12, instead of Year 7-9 and Years 10-12). This has been corrected in this Annual Report. On the Wellbeing Indicators tab, note that for "Students feeling connected to their school", in 2020–21, the results were reported against the wrong year levels (Years 7–10 and Years 11–12, instead of Year 7-9 and Years 10-12). This has been corrected in this Annual Report.

Annual Report published:

Data and Resources

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Published (Metadata Record) 29/12/2022
Last updated 17/12/2024
Organisation Department of Education
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Category Education