Schools Apparent Retention Rates, Victoria

A dataset of schools apparent retention rates or ARR, all school sector in Victoria, from census year 2012 to 2023. This dataset is prepared and based on data collected from schools as part of the February School Census conducted on the last school day of February each year. It presents information for all government and non-government schools and student enrolments in Victoria, in particular secondary school years. The majority of the statistical data in this publication is drawn from school administration systems. The dataset includes analysis by school sector and sex, Koorie status, as well as on government schools by region. Apparent retention rates (ARR) are calculated based on aggregate enrolment data and provide an indicative measurement of student engagement in secondary education. The Department of Education and Training (DET) computes and publishes ARR data at a state-wide and DET region level only.

The term "apparent" retention rate reflects that retention rates are influenced by factors not taken into account by this measure such as: Student repeating year levels, Interstate and overseas migration, Transfer of students between education sectors or schools, Student who have left school previously, returning to continue their school education. The ARR for year 7 to 12 (ARR 7-12) refers to the Year 12 enrolment expressed as a proportion of the Year 7 enrolment five years earlier. The ARR for year 10 to 12 (ARR 10-12) refers to the Year 12 enrolment expressed as a proportion of the Year 10 enrolment two years earlier.

Please note that the ABS calculates apparent retention using the number of full-time school students only whereas at the DET we use the number of full-time equivalent school enrolments. Data reported in the ABS Schools, Australia collection is based on enrolment data collected in August by all jurisdictions.

The Department has found that computing ARR at geographical areas smaller than DET regions (e.g. LGA, Postcode) can produce erratic and misleading results that are difficult to interpret or make use of. In small populations, relatively small changes in student numbers can create large movements in apparent retention rates. These populations might include smaller jurisdictions, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, and subcategories of the non-government affiliation. There are a number of reasons why apparent rates may generate results that differ from actual rates. Apparent retention rates provide an indicative measure of the number of full-time school students who have stayed in school, as at a designated year and grade of education. It is expressed as a percentage of the respective cohort group that those students would be expected to have come from, assuming an expected rate of progression of one grade per year.

Provided ARR is a result of calculation of the whole census and is NOT to be re-calculated by average or sum.

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Additional Information

Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 29/11/2021
Last updated 18/12/2024
Organisation Department of Education
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Category Education
Full metadata URL