Department of Justice and Community Safety
DSCV Number of Disputes - 6 year snapshot
The Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria (DSCV) is a resolution service that provides mediation service, as well as training and accreditation mediators to national standards....Department of Justice and Community Safety
Consumer Affairs Victoria Telephone calls answered 2011-2012
Consumer Affairs Victoria - Number of Calls answered for information and advise 2011-2012 Consumer AffairsDepartment of Justice and Community Safety
Consumer Affairs Victoria Registrations of rental bonds 2011-2012
Consumer Affairs Victoria - Number of Registrations of bonds for 2011-2012 Consumer AffairsDepartment of Justice and Community Safety
Office-based Energy Use
Primary Source are: Electricity, Electricity (Green Power), Natural Gas, LPG.Department of Justice and Community Safety
Consumer Affairs Victoria Face-to-Face assistance 2011-2012
Consumer Affairs Victoria - Face to Face assistance outcomes during 2011-2012Department of Justice and Community Safety
Intervention Order and Family Law Statistics Year at a Glance
Intervention Order and Family Law Statistics by year from 2007 to 2012.Department of Justice and Community Safety
Consumer Affairs Victoria Web based information and advice 2011-2012
Consumer Affairs Victoria - 2011 -2012 Year in review activities for web based information and advice, Consumer AffairsDepartment of Justice and Community Safety
Regional Distribution Intervention order applications finalised
Regional Distribution of Intervention orders applications finalised by Court Region.Department of Justice and Community Safety
Dept. of Justice and Regulation Annual Report 2014-15 Environmental Performance and Targets
Data prescribes a summary trend report of DJR environmental peeformance and energy targets in Victoria during the calendar year of 2014-2015.Department of Justice and Community Safety
Dept. of Justice and Regulation Annual Report 2014-15 Statutory Compliance
Lists the statutory compliance, major contracts and government adverstising expenditure during 2014-2015Department of Justice and Community Safety
Crime Statistics Agency Data Tables - Supplementary Offence Information
The Crime Statistics Agency (CSA) is responsible for processing, analysing and publishing Victorian crime statistics, independent of Victoria Police. The CSA aims to provide an...Department of Justice and Community Safety
IBAC's 2015-16 annual report financial data
Financial data from the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission's 2015-16 Annual Report.Department of Justice and Community Safety
Top 10 dispute types
Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria's top 10 dispute types.Department of Justice and Community Safety
Number of Disputes - 5 year snapshot
Dispute Resolution Services refer to number of calls for assistance DSCV responded to. Dispute Assessment Officers (DAO) provide community members with information, in depth...Department of Justice and Community Safety
Donor Treatment Register Events per fin. year from 2009
The number of events registered in Victoria during each financial year. Would your research benefit from Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages data that is not available on...Department of Justice and Community Safety
Family Violence Database - Victorian Legal Aid Data Tables
Victoria Legal Aid (VLA) operates across the state and aims to assist Victorians by providing free legal information, services and education. The VLA data in the Family Violence...Department of Justice and Community Safety
Family Violence Database - Victims Support Agency Data Tables
The family violence measures produced from the Family Violence Database are derived from administrative by-product information recorded by the Helpline and the Victims...Department of Justice and Community Safety
Family Violence Database - Childrens Court Data Tables
The Magistrates’ and Children’s Courts data included in this report was extracted from the Courtlink database. The data includes all finalised applications for Family Violence...Department of Justice and Community Safety
Family Violence Database - Ambulance Victoria Data Tables
In June 2016, Ambulance Victoria began capturing information about family, domestic or sexual violence as part of the administrative data collected by paramedics who have...Department of Justice and Community Safety
Family Violence Database - Victorian Emergency Minimum Dataset Data Tables
The Victorian Emergency Minimum Dataset (VEMD) contains information detailing presentations at Victorian public hospitals with designated Emergency Departments. For the purposes...Department of Justice and Community Safety