Department of Justice and Community Safety
Family Violence Database - Coroners Court Data Tables
The following data tables include information on homicide data included in the Victorian Homicide Registry. The tables count the number of incidents, deceased and offenders...Department of Justice and Community Safety
Family Violence Database - Integrated Reports and Information System data tables
The family violence measures produced from the Family Violence Database (FVDB) are derived from administrative information recorded by agencies that are funded by DHHS to...Department of Justice and Community Safety
Family Violence Database - Magistrates' Court Data Tables
The Magistrates’ and Children’s Courts data included in this report was extracted from the Courtlink database. The data includes all finalised applications for Family Violence...Department of Justice and Community Safety
Dept of Justice Annual Report 2011/12 - Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages Business Operations
The Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages (BDM) records in perpetuity all births, adoptions, marriages, relationships and deaths occurring in the state of Victoria and...Department of Justice and Community Safety
Births, deaths and Marriages - The number of life events registered in Victoria per fin. year from 2009
Total number of births registered in Victoria, including those that occurred in a previous year but were registered for the first time in the reporting period. Figures exclude...Department of Justice and Community Safety
Speeding Catagories Highway cameras quarterly
This information compares the number of vehicles passing a camera with the number of fines detected by the camera.Department of Justice and Community Safety
Crime Statistics Agency Data Tables - Geographical Classifications
The Crime Statistics Agency (CSA) is responsible for processing, analysing and publishing Victorian crime statistics, independent of Victoria Police. The CSA aims to provide an...Department of Justice and Community Safety
MFB Annual Report supporting data for incident charts
Data includes 1) Calls Attended by year, 2) calls attended by type in the Metropolitan District, 3) Calls attended by LGA, 4) Containment of Structure Fires, 5) Emergency...Department of Justice and Community Safety
Crime Statistics Agency Data Tables - Location Type Classifications
The Crime Statistics Agency (CSA) is responsible for processing, analysing and publishing Victorian crime statistics, independent of Victoria Police. The CSA aims to provide an...Department of Justice and Community Safety
MFB Cash Flow Statement
MFB Cash Flow Statement for the financial years as reported in the relevant Annual report. The cash flow statement should be read in conjunction with notes to financial...Department of Justice and Community Safety
MFB Comprehensive Operating Statement
MFB Comprehensive Operating Statement for the financial year as reported in the relevant Annual Report. The comprehensive operating statement should be read in conjunction with...Department of Justice and Community Safety
MFB Environmental Indicator Report
MFB report of performance against various environmental indicators. Statistics on energy, water, fuel and paper consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, waste generation and...Department of Justice and Community Safety
Family Violence Database - Victoria Police data tables
The Victoria Police data included in the Family Violence Database (the Database) was extracted from the Law Enforcement Assistance Program (LEAP) on 18 January 2017. LEAP is a...Department of Justice and Community Safety
Speeding Catagories Highway cameras annually
This information compares the number of vehicles passing a camera with the number of fines detected by the camera.Department of Justice and Community Safety
Births Deaths and Marriages - The number of certificates issued per fin. year from 2009
Total number of standard certificates issued, including those issued with commemorative birth certificate orders. Would your research benefit from Registry of Births, Deaths and...Department of Justice and Community Safety
MFB Financial report balance sheet
The balance sheet should be read in conjunction with notes to financial statements as published in the annual report.Department of Justice and Community Safety
MFB Emergency Response Time Performance
Response time is measured by the length of time between an appliance being dispatched to an emergency incident and arrival on scene. MFB publish response time performance on a...Department of Justice and Community Safety
Road Safety Camera Network - Fines ($) by Camera System (Annual)
The type of camera, address, number of infringements and dollar value of fines is provided annually.Department of Justice and Community Safety
Magistrates Court - Proper Venue
This is a complete listing of the proper venue of the Magistrates' Court for the issuing of proceedings in the civil and criminal jurisdictions of the Court.Department of Justice and Community Safety
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Victoria Legal Aid snapshot of key service performance and financial summary 2015-16
This snapshot of data from the Victoria Legal Aid Annual report 2015–2016 includes figures for: Clients, Unique clients, Calls dealt with by our Legal Help telephone service;...Department of Justice and Community Safety